

着三不着两,拼为zháo sān bù zháo liǎng,指说话或做事轻重不当,考虑欠周,注意这里,顾不到那里。

着三不着两 发音 á ā ù á ǎ 解释 指说话或做事轻重不当,考虑欠周,注意这里,顾不到那里。 出处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十五回"那珍大爷管儿子,倒也象当...对应英文:Ill-considered pronunciation á ā ù á ǎ interpretation refers to say or do anything improper weight, ill considered, note here, didn't there. Source Qing Cao Xueqin "a dream of Red Mansions" forty-fifth "that Jane uncle tube son, pour also like when...

用之所趋异也。"【示例】若必选择死所,而谓~,轻重有异,则虽值当死之事,恐亦不能死矣。 ◎章炳麟《敢死论跋语》【语法】联合式作宾语比喻人死的价值轻重悬殊对应英文:Using the divergence also. "[example] if will choose death, and that ~, weight is different, even when dead things, fear not death. In the chapter on "death squads" polypropylene vocalist postscript [grammar] combined as metaphor people die value of the severity of the poor

道三不着两 à ā ù ǎɡ 谓说话或行事轻重失宜,考虑不周。对应英文:Three no two à ā ù ǎ and that speak or act Qingzhongshiyi, thoughtless.

【鸿毛泰山】,懂了吧,请及时采纳。对应英文:Hongmaotaishan [], read it, please adopt.

"众"字对应英文:"The" word

就是不分轻重、不识好歹、神经兮兮的人。对应英文:Just don't exist, not to know chalk from cheese, nervous people.

../ 二哥哥那三尖两刃刀的图图 这楼里全是!!!对应英文:The three / two brother sharp edged knife Tutu in this building is full of!!!

这个句子运用了列数字的说明方法。对应英文:This sentence using the method that column of figures.

只挂时伸长/下又增挂后总伸长+/ 由此可得/伸长/ 点向下移动+/+/...对应英文:Just hang extension / total elongation / by hanging to / stretch / point moves downward / /...

解把看作一个整体,对、组成的系统而言 受到重力,弹簧支持力(因为瞬间弹簧还没有发生改变,所以弹力和静止时一样) 压力,产生加速度为 由牛顿第二...对应英文:The solution as a whole, the composition of the system, by gravity, spring support force (because the moment spring has not changed, so the elastic and static pressure, acceleration as) produced by the Newton second...

俗语着三不着两zháo sān bù zháo liǎng是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/738.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

示例 那珍大爷管儿子,倒也象当日老祖宗的规矩,只是~的。(清·曹雪芹 《红楼梦》第四十五回) 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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