

兵熊熊一个对应英文:A raging soldiers

就是说任何一个团体(大到国家小到家庭)的领导要是没有水平蠢货一个,那么这个团体肯定不会出色的要是这个团体的领导很厉害,很有水平,那么这个团体肯定是出色的。 这句...对应英文:Is any one group (from the country to the home) leadership if no level of an ass, then this group will definitely not good if the leader of the group is very powerful, very level, then the group is certainly good. This sentence...

自古有道是"兵熊熊一个,将熊熊一窝。 "这是一句俗语,没有确切的历史文字记载,并且这是一句白话文,所以其历史不会超过民国。就像"卢沟桥的 狮子数不清"一样,是没有什...对应英文:Since ancient times, there is "a raging soldiers, the flaming nest. "This is a proverb, no exact written history, and this is a vernacular, so its history is no more than the Republic of china. Like "the Lugou Bridge lions countless", there is no...

其实加个标点符号就容易明白了兵熊,熊一个,将熊,熊一窝。这里熊作形容词用,指窝囊,没用,翻译过来是如果当兵的不行那他只是一个人不行,如果领兵打仗的将军没本事,那么...对应英文:In fact, plus a punctuation is easy to understand the soldier bear, a bear, the bear, the bear a nest. Here the bear as adjectives, refers to the timid, useless, it is not that he only if a person not, if only the war generals no skill, so...

一个士兵如果无能,害的只是他自己一个人,一个将领如果无能,那害的就是整支军队。对应英文:A soldier if incompetence, harm of just one individual, a general if incompetence, the harm is a whole army.

"兵熊熊一个,将熊熊一窝"意思是说当兵的如果太笨的,顶多只笨他一个,而当将的如果也笨,那就连累他手下的兵也都跟着笨。所谓"强将手下无弱兵"、"将帅无能,累死三军"说的...对应英文:"A raging soldiers, the flaming nest" mean soldier if too stupid, at most, only stupid him one, and when will the if is stupid, it would implicate his troops that have followed the stupid. The so-called "no weak soldiers forcing men", "generals incompetent, exhausted forces."...

要是一个团队的首领窝囊,那么整个团队都会是窝囊的。说明了领导人在他所带的团队中的重要性及影响力。所以领导人务必要注意自身的素质修养,这将影响这个团队。亮剑中...对应英文:If a team leader vexed, then the team will be timid. Explains the importance and influence leaders he brought in a team. So the leaders be sure to pay attention to the quality of their own self-cultivation, which will affect the team. Sword of...

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

成语里似乎没有能准确表达这句俗语意思的,最接近的恐怕只能算"强将手下无弱兵"。国外的谚语中有一句"一只狮子带领的一群绵羊能够打败一只绵羊带领的一群狮子",似乎寓...对应英文:Idioms, did not seem to be able to express this saying means, the closest I'm afraid only "forcing men no weak soldiers". There is a saying "a flock of sheep a lion leading to a sheep led to defeat a group of lions" foreign proverbs, seem to imply...

原话是"要我说,兵熊熊一个将熊熊一窝,咱独立团捞不着肉吃,就是你他娘的这个政委,在上级面前太熊,你怕什么呀你你咋就不敢和旅长干一架呢"对应英文:Said "I say, a raging soldiers will bear a nest, I independent regiment fishing is not a meat, is the political commissar, you motherfucker, before a superior too bear, what are you afraid of you why you wouldn't dare and brigadier a dry"

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !


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