

弦断有余音对应英文:String broken sound

柔指抚琴,千里潇水湿梦境,余音袅袅,凝望画眉沧桑。滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。一缕轻愁...你的路途,从此不见我的苍老,听弦断,断那三千繁华。挣扎出的寂...对应英文:Soft finger play, thousands of miles of Xiaoshui wet dreams, sustain Niaoniao, staring at the thrush vicissitudes. Not long for the blood drip into the red beans, endless Chun Liu Chunhua full painted floor. A ray of light... Your way, and not see my old, listens to the string to break, break the three thousand prosperous. A lonely struggle...

细细如了珠 琴弦虽断 余音犹存爱未了 一首《断了的弦》送给大家 生活中无处不在的爱 你对我爱太多太多 可惜你却不知道 不要回报的爱你给了我 我会用心去聆听一首《暖...对应英文:If such as bead strings is broken and still love not a "broken strings" everywhere in our life to love you to my love too much but you do not know not to return the love you gave me I will listen to a song "warm...

欲将心事付瑶琴,知音少,弦断有谁听 且把相思寄古筝,识韵寡,曲终何人懂对应英文:To mind Fu Yaoqin, less wrong, string broken who listen and put the Acacia send Zheng, general rhyme oligo, the final song who understand

人悄悄,帘外月胧明。 白首为功名。旧山松竹老,阻归程。欲将心事付瑶琴。知音少,弦断有谁听 昨晚受寒的秋蝉不断哀鸣,惊醒我回千里之外(故乡)的梦,已经三更了,我寂静无...对应英文:All is quiet on earth, on window screen the moon shone bright; My hair turns grey for the glorious day. In native hills bamboos and pines grow old. O when can I see my household. I would confide to my lute what I have in view, Little friends, string broken who heard last night cold autumn cicada wailing, woke me up to a thousand miles away (home) dream, is already midnight, I still have no...

高山流水对应英文:-- referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet people who can really appreciate them

知音我只能说这是可遇不可求的 送你一句黑色键盘说的话人 总是扮演着被生活强奸的角色。对应英文:Finally I can only say that this is the event can not be for sending you a black keyboard say people have always played a role is life rape.

在汾阳路上有一家柏利琴行,很有名的。各种乐器和配件都有,还可以要求调音。对应英文:In a Bai Li Qin Road, Fenyang, is very famous. A variety of musical instruments and accessories have, may also request.

凭刀独行,两行足迹到天涯。 欲将心事付瑶琴, 红颜去,弦断有谁听 三更灯火不曾收,玉脍金齑满市楼云外清歌花外笛,潍州原是小苏州. 韩愈的对应英文:With the knife alone, two lines of footprints to the end of the world. To mind Fu Yaoqin, Confidante, string broken who listen to watch the lights had not received, Yu Kuai Ji the full city, gold outside music flowers outside the flute, the state is Suzhou Han Yu

知音少,弦断有谁听! 一句出自宋·岳飞《小重山》 今译 满腔心事欲付与瑶琴,可是知音太少,即使弹断琴弦,又...抑扬之间,调苦情深,加以"弦断"一辞,则表现了决绝语气。词人...对应英文:Little friends, string broken who listen! A sentence from the Song Dynasty Yue Fei "small mountain" with their hearts to give the piano, but friends too few, even playing the broken strings, and... Iambic, adjustable bitter love, be "broken strings" a speech, expresses the tone. Poet...

惊回千里梦,已三更。起来独自绕阶行。人悄悄,帘外月胧明。 白首为功名。旧山松竹老,阻归程。欲将心事付瑶琴。知音少,弦断有谁听对应英文:Breaking my dream homebound; t was already midnight. I got up and alone in the yard walked around; All is quiet on earth, on window screen the moon shone bright; My hair turns grey for the glorious day. In native hills bamboos and pines grow old. O when can I see my household. I would confide to my lute what I have in view, But connoisseurs are few. Who would be listening, though I break my lute string


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