

毕其功于一役对应英文:To pump
    词 目
    发 音
    bì qí gōng yú yī yì
    释 义
    出 处
    示 例

这种法律是毕其功于一役。对应英文:This law is to pump.

是时候了,航天飞机,这个掺杂了太多毕其功于一役的急切工程思维和展示制度优越性的时代产物,到了隐退的时候。对应英文:Is the time, the shuttle, the urgent project with too much time thinking and production of display system superiority, and when to retreat.

李纳斯接着说了一个他无法忍受的,关于技术产业的观点:人们总是谈论“创新”和“高瞻远瞩”,总是认为有这么一个宏伟的构想,能毕其功于一役。对应英文:Linus then said an unbearable, he about the technology industry's point of view: people are always talking about "innovation" and "vision", always think there is a great idea, can pump.

美国人民不应该指望毕其功于一役,这是一场持久战,不同于过去我们所见过的任何一场战争。对应英文:The people of the United States should not count on time, this is a long game, different from the past we have seen any battle.

是时候了,航天飞机,这个掺杂了太多毕其功于一役的急切工程思维和展示制度优越性的时代产物,到了隐退的时候。对应英文:Is the time, the shuttle, the urgent project with too much time thinking and production of display system superiority, and when to retreat.

李纳斯接着说了一个他无法忍受的,关于技术产业的观点:人们总是谈论“创新”和“高瞻远瞩”,总是认为有这么一个宏伟的构想,能毕其功于一役。对应英文:Linus then said an unbearable, he about the technology industry's point of view: people are always talking about "innovation" and "vision", always think there is a great idea, can pump.

当然,农民工问题的最终解决还需要方方面面的努力,不能奢望毕其功于一役,笔者在本文中的构想也只是一种学术上的探索,其可行性还有待于实践的进一步检验。对应英文:The final solution, of course, the problems of rural migrant workers need to all aspects of efforts, can't entertain wild hope time and ideas of the author in this article is a kind of academic exploration, its feasibility has yet to be further testing in practice.

俗语毕其功于一役bì qí gōng yú yí yì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/193.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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