


农民们过着日出而作日落而息的生活。对应英文:The farmers lead a sunrise sunset of life.

农户一天的工作强度仍然很大,日出而作日落而息。对应英文:A day's work intensity of farmers is still large, sunrise and sundown.

在日出而作、日落而息的规律世界中,一个市井小民的计画可能改变命运。对应英文:At sunrise, sunset of the rules in the world, one of the ordinary people of the plan may change the fate.

农民们过着日出而作日落而息的生活。对应英文:The farmers lead a sunrise sunset of life.

日出而作、日落而息的艰苦生活曾让赵美玲淡出了剪纸的日子。对应英文:The hard life of sunrise, sunset had let Zhao Meiling out of paper-cut day.

在日出而作、日落而息的规律世界中,一个市井小民的计画可能改变命运。对应英文:At sunrise, sunset of the rules in the world, one of the ordinary people of the plan may change the fate.

男人的工作是日出而作,日落而息;而母亲的工作永不停息。对应英文:A man's work is Richuerzuo, sunset; and mother's work is never done.

由于科学技术的发展,改变了人类自古以来“日出而作,日落而息”的作息时间关系。对应英文:With the development of science and technology, changed since ancient times human beings "Richuerzuo, sunset and interest" schedules relationship.

近期一项调查显示美国人每晚平均睡眠7小时,比1910年的9小时有所下降,而当时应为没有电,人们总是日落而息。对应英文:Recent surveys show that Americans averaged 7 hours of sleep per night, down from 9 hours in 1910, and at that time shall be no electricity, people always sunset.

传统上,田野中的农业劳动当然是没有上下班概念的:如果有必要,工作时间可以日出而作,日落而息。对应英文:Traditionally, the field of agricultural labor is certainly not work concept: if necessary, work time can Richuerzuo, sunset and interest.

他们日出而作、日落而息,空閒时则全家一起享受故事与音乐。对应英文:They are sunrise, sunset, when free family enjoy the story and music.

而却始终未走出家庭的圈子,整天围绕着丈夫、几亩地和灶台转,过着日出而作,日落而息的生活。对应英文:But still not out of the family circle, surrounded by her husband all day long, a few acres of land and hearth, lead a sunrise, sunset of life.


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