

一环扣一环对应英文:A chain

一环扣一环,家长再要求孩子练习的时候也就简单多了。对应英文:A chain, when parents ask children to practice it's easier.

生活是一环扣一环的,在稻城,会让人道自己其实是可以忘却的。对应英文:Life is a chain of, in Daocheng, it can make people themselves can actually be forgotten.

如果把这幅图的边角定好,就很容易继续了,从边角直到拼图的中心,一环扣一环。对应英文:If the picture edge set, it is easy to go, from the corner until the Jigsaw's center, a chain.

一环扣一环,家长再要求孩子练习的时候也就简单多了。对应英文:A chain, when parents ask children to practice it's easier.

关键时刻,我们都会有,好的和坏的事情都是一环扣一环。对应英文:The critical moment, we will have, good and bad things are a chain.

如果把这幅图的边角定好,就很容易继续了,从边角直到拼图的中心,一环扣一环。对应英文:If the picture edge set, it is easy to go, from the corner until the Jigsaw's center, a chain.

每一个人在专案的不同阶段各司其职,一环扣一环地充分配合,最终成就一份成功的作品。对应英文:Each person in different stage of each project, a chain to cooperate fully, the ultimate success of a successful work.

广告沟通效果各要素其是一环扣著一环,互相影响彼此。对应英文:The elements of the ad communication is a ring with a ring, mutually influence each other.

后背有一组D形环扣。安全带的接口处采用可调式搭扣,穿戴舒适。对应英文:One D - ring on the back button. The interfaces of safety belt with adjustable hasp, comfortable to wear.

挂锁,有U形铁条的被用铰链合在一端的一种可拆开的锁,可以通过门搭扣的锁环或一链条上的链环紧紧扣住。对应英文:Padlock, a U - shaped bar hinged at one end of a detachable lock, can through the staple of a hasp or a link in a chain and then.

生活是一环扣一环的,在稻城,会让人道自己其实是可以忘却的。对应英文:Life is a chain of, in Daocheng, it can make people themselves can actually be forgotten.

通过胸口皮带的扣环来调整腿部皮带以保证用一种对称的方式来调整。对应英文:Adjust the leg straps to ensure that in a symmetrical way adjustment through chest belt buckle.

记下的“环副本的一群”,并安排了金属扣(13E条)他们。对应英文:Written copies of the "ring group", and the arrangement of the metal clasp (13E) they.

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