

成者王侯败者贼对应英文:Wang Hou who is the loser

因为成功就意味着一切,荣华富贵,权力欲望,所有的一切。而失败者可能连性命都无法保存。对应英文:Because success means everything, glory, splendour, wealth and rank, desire for power, all. And the losers may even the life cannot be saved.

胜者王侯败者贼,历史即是为胜者歌功颂德、败者落井下石的虚假陈述。历代都如此,胜利的人登上了王位,称王称霸,成为一国之君失败的人则伦落成为草寇。对应英文:The winner Wang Hou loser thief, history is false statement, the loser winner flatter to maltreat an injured person. All this, victory came to the throne, lord it over others, become a king people who fail to fall to become bandits.

对啊,肯定是暴力逻辑,古人说不以成败论英雄。对应英文:Yeah, definitely violence logic, the ancients said, not by adversities hero.

胜者王侯败者贼,历史即是为胜者歌功颂德、败者落井下石的虚假陈述 胜即是刘邦,败即是项羽胜即是李世民,败即是窦建德胜即是朱元璋,败 即是张士诚胜是一国之君,...对应英文:The winner Wang Hou loser thief, history is the winner, loser to maltreat an injured person flatter misrepresentation is Liu Bang win, defeat is Xiang Yu wins is Li Shimin, abortion is sinus built Desheng is defeated Zhu Yuanzhang, is Zhang Shicheng wins is a king,...

胜者王侯败者贼,胜者歌功颂德、败者落井下石的虚假陈述 胜即是刘邦,败即是项羽胜即是李世民,败即是窦建德胜即是朱元璋,败 即是张士诚胜是一国之君,败是流贼草寇。...对应英文:The winner Wang Hou loser thief, flatter, winner loser to maltreat an injured person's false statements - that is Liu Bang, defeat is Xiang Yu wins is Li Shimin, abortion is sinus built Desheng is defeated Zhu Yuanzhang, is Zhang Shicheng wins is a king, abortion is roving bandits bandits. ...

成王败寇 (é á à ò ) 【释义】旧指在争夺政权斗争中,成功了的就是合法的,称帝称王失败了的就是非法的,被称为寇贼。含有成功者权势在手,无人敢责难,失败者...对应英文:Losers are always in the wrong (é á à o) [interpretation] old refers to compete for political power struggle, success is a legitimate claim to be a king, failure is illegal, known as the bandit. A successful power in hand, no one dare censure, loser...

胜者王侯败者寇即是指,战争胜利的一方可以拥有国家,成为王侯一统河山,从而美化历史。而失败的一方,无论曾经做出过如何的丰功伟绩,都只能沦落为贼寇一流,为史学家所不...对应英文:The winner Wang Hou losers Kou refers to the victory of the war, a party may have become national, Wang Hou unified land, to beautify the history. And the failure of the party, no matter how valiant record ever made, can only be reduced to a class for thieves, historians have not...

胜者王侯败者寇 即是指,战争胜利的一方可以拥有国家,成为王侯一统河山,从而美化历史。 而失败的一方,无论曾经做出过如何的丰功伟绩,都只能沦落为贼寇一流,为史学家所...对应英文:The winner Wang Hou losers Kou refers to the victory of the war, a party may have become national, Wang Hou unified land, to beautify the history. And the failure of the party, no matter how valiant record ever made, can only become thieves first-class, as historians...

我建议你用唯物主义的历史观看待问题 所谓历史都是胜利者书写的是有一定道理 你应该有自己的思考问题的方式 为什么一个王朝会被另一个王朝所取代 拿你所举的例子 欧洲...对应英文:I suggest you use the materialist historical view to the history is written by the winners is a reason you should have to think his way why a dynasty will be another Dynasty replaced with your examples of europe...

成语 是"胜者王侯败者贼"对应英文:The idiom is "winner Wang Hou loser thief"


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