

轻伤不下火线对应英文:Slightly fewer than FireWire

就是在战场上,不怕流血牺牲的意思你别搞了好不好啊对应英文:Is on the battlefield, not afraid of bloodshed means you don't get good ah

就是在战场上,不怕流血牺牲的意思对应英文:Is on the battlefield, not afraid of bloodshed

扩展意义是指受了一点伤也绝不放弃在一线工作的机会。 轻伤不下火线,重伤不上医院,死了不上火葬厂。对应英文:Extended meaning refers to the injured and never give up a chance to work in. Slightly fewer than FireWire, seriously do not go up the hospital, died without a crematorium.

正解是,在战斗中,为了不影响部队的战斗力,虽然受伤,但是只要能坚持在阵地就不会退下了,会继续战斗。现在可以应用在更多的地方,比喻一个人工作的认真,勤奋等等。 个人...对应英文:Positive solutions are, in a fight, in order not to affect the battle effectiveness of the army, although injured, but as long as can insist on the position would not be back next, will continue the fight. It can be applied in more places, describe a person work hard, hard work and so on. Personal...

轻伤不下火线,重伤不进医院。没别的了。对应英文:Slightly fewer than FireWire, injuries from going into the hospital. Nothing else.

头晕晕乎乎的! 男儿本色,轻伤不下火线! 月日 -我一直都在线,在玩穿越火线。怎么没奖品啊 在哪领取 一步一停,停得有型。三步一卡,卡的潇洒。五步一停,...对应英文:Dizzy dizzy! Invisible Target, slightly fewer than FireWire! March - I always online, playing Cross Fire. Why didn't the trophy in which receive one step stop, stop in style. The three step a card, card, smart. Five steps to a stop,...

应该是连长说的算。对应英文:The company commander said it should be.

轻伤不下火线、重伤不进医院对应英文:Slightly fewer than FireWire, injuries from going into the hospital

轻伤不下火线,轻轻微,形容情势不严重对应英文:Slightly fewer than FireWire, gently micro, describe the situation is not serious

轻伤不下火线"是战士们常说的话中的"轻"数量少,程度浅还有什么节目比得上这种轻歌曼舞中的"轻"轻松对应英文:Slightly fewer than FireWire "soldiers often said in the" light "the quantity is less, shallow and what programs like this sing merrily and dance gracefully in the" light "easily

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