

不撞南墙不回头对应英文:Do not hit the south wall do not look back

然而银行存在着不撞南墙不回头的心理,那么如果房价随后会更夸张地下跌,银行股票将会彻底崩溃。对应英文:However, banks have not hit back wall is not a psychological, if house prices later fell more exaggerated, bank shares would collapse.

另一类人认为世界是确定的,带着固有观念的眼罩, 昂首挺胸地走,却总是不见棺材不落泪,不撞南墙不回头。对应英文:Another kind of people think that the world is determined, with the concept of inherent goggles, go with head high and chest out to walk, but always disappear coffin not to shed tears, do not hit the south wall do not look back.

然而银行存在着不撞南墙不回头的心理,那么如果房价随后会更夸张地下跌,银行股票将会彻底崩溃。对应英文:However, banks have not hit back wall is not a psychological, if house prices later fell more exaggerated, bank shares would collapse.

另一类人认为世界是确定的,带着固有观念的眼罩, 昂首挺胸地走,却总是不见棺材不落泪,不撞南墙不回头。对应英文:Another kind of people think that the world is determined, with the concept of inherent goggles, go with head high and chest out to walk, but always disappear coffin not to shed tears, do not hit the south wall do not look back.


  比喻某人的行为固执,听不进不同意见。与“一条道走到黑”“不到黄河心不死”有相同义项。   南墙指影壁墙。我国的建筑物大门一般都是朝南开的,旧时代有地位、有势力的人家大门外都有影壁墙,所以出了门就要向左或右行,直着走肯定撞南墙!   南墙俗话也叫“照壁”。“照壁”顾名思义,就是不能让人在大门外面直接看见院里的东西,通过照壁时向右走进入照壁,出来时则是相反,即向左,有戏曲里面出相入将的异曲同工之妙。 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>

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