

贵人多忘事对应英文:Great wits have short memories
词 目 贵人多忘事 发 音 guì rén duō wàng shì 释 义 高贵者往往善忘。原指高官态度傲慢,不念旧交,后用于讽刺人健忘。

真是贵人多忘事。你的日本卖家朋友寄给我的呀,不过好像我还没有付钱。对应英文:It is Great wits have short memories. Your Japanese sellers friend sent to me, but it seems like I haven't pay.

他们这些人自己或许也在回忆过去和新老板有无过节,祈祷新老板贵人多忘事。对应英文:They themselves may also in memories of the past and the new boss is a no holidays, the new boss Great wits have short memories. prayer.

真是贵人多忘事。你的日本卖家朋友寄给我的呀,不过好像我还没有付钱。对应英文:It is Great wits have short memories. Your Japanese sellers friend sent to me, but it seems like I haven't pay.

他们这些人自己或许也在回忆过去和新老板有无过节,祈祷新老板贵人多忘事。对应英文:They themselves may also in memories of the past and the new boss is a no holidays, the new boss Great wits have short memories. prayer.

俗语贵人多忘事guì rén duō wàng shì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/2041.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

五代·王定保《唐摭言》卷二:“倘也贵人多忘,国士难期,使仆一朝出其不意,与君并肩台阁,侧眼相视,公始悔而谢仆,仆安能有色于君乎?” 示 例 你老是~了,那里还记得我们?(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四回)

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