

闻名不如见面对应英文:Known as meet
闻名不如见面,拼为wén míng bù rú jiàn miàn,指只听名声不如见面更能了解。出自《北史•列女传》。

俺一向坚持"闻名不如见面,见面还不如闻名"。。。。对应英文:I always adhere to the "known better than to meet, meet is not known"....

你上传 或者发表在百度上的东西 他们有权利删除或者整理 如果不满 你可以换网站 去谷歌 中国就这样 抱怨有个毛用 你以为牢骚几句 跟别人抬抬杠就能改变么 有本事 告百度...对应英文:You upload or published in Baidu on something they have rights to delete or finishing if unhappy you can change the website to Google Chinese so complained of a wool you think grumbles about lifting beam can change it with others. Sue Baidu...


这意思和见面不如闻名有些相同,就是说有些事有些人,见不如不见好,不见还有所幻想,那幻想本身就是很美好的,有些东西见到反倒不如不见是感觉好,即所谓"距离产生美"对应英文:The meaning and meet some of the same as famous, that is to say there are some things that some people, see not get better, do not have the illusion, the illusion itself is very good, some things to see but do not see is feeling good, the so-called "distance produce beauty"

有名闻名全国,二万五千里长征闻名世界,西湖是闻名的风景区。动词听到名声闻名已久,闻名不如见面。 【辩 析】 "闻名"、"著名"、"知名"都是有名气的意思。"著名"...对应英文:Famous well-known throughout the country, the twenty-five thousand li long march is known around the world, West Lake is famous for its scenic area. Verb hear has been known for a long time, is known as the meeting. [Defense] "famous", "analysis of the famous", "well known" is famous. "The famous"...

有名闻名全国,。动词听到名声闻名已久,闻名不如见面。 闻可做动词,译为听到对应英文:Famous famous,. Verb hear has been known for a long time, is known as the meeting. It can be a verb, to hear

动词听到名声闻名已久,闻名不如见面。 【辩 析】 "闻名"、"著名"、"知名"都是有名气的意思。"著名"强调显著、突出,常用于形容人物、城市、著作、战役等。"闻名"...对应英文:Verb hear has been known for a long time, is known as the meeting. [Defense] "famous", "analysis of the famous", "well known" is famous. "Famous" emphasizes the remarkable, outstanding, is often used to describe people, city, book, battle. Famous.

见面不如闻名"的境况. 还有,跟网友见面一得要在保障好自己人身财产安全的情况下进行,最好叫上一两个好朋友随行,约会地点也应该选择在人多公开的场合. 凡事多两个...对应英文:Meet as famous "condition. Also, with the net friend to meet one to protect their personal and property security situation, the best ask one or two friends traveling, dating sites should also choose in many public occasions. Everything has two...

全国到处都是清真寺,其中以古城拉合尔的巴德夏希清真寺最著名,其规模宏大,建筑雄伟,是皈依伊斯兰教的蒙古...巴基斯坦很久以来就以生意谈判苛劾而闻名。劈头就杀价%作为...对应英文:All over the country is one of the most famous mosque, in the ancient city of Lahore Bud Shahi mosque, the magnificent, magnificent buildings, is converted to Islam in Mongolia... Pakistan has long been known to business negotiations or impeach. He was as bargain%...

闻名不如见面,见面胜似闻名一向仰慕得很未曾远迎,当面恕罪造次得很,幸勿见怪特地登门拜访很多,很多的啦。对应英文:Seeing is better than meet, is always admire famous is not far to meet, to pardon rash enough, but do not mind specially visited many, many.

俗语闻名不如见面wén míng bù rú jiàn miàn是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/525.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

发音 wén míng bù rú jiàn miàn  释义 只听名声不如见面更能了解。  出处 《北史·列女传》:“吾闻闻名不如见面,小人未见礼教,何足责哉。” 示例 王博高也不觉好笑,连说:“老兄真是个爽快人,~。”(清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十七回) 近义词:百闻不如一见 相关文献 万方数据期刊论文财商教育因时因势 - 卓越理财 - 2010 ( 9 ) 万方数据期刊论文"浇钢王子"的不凡人生——记攀钢提钒炼钢厂板坯车间浇钢"流长"刘关洪 - 四川党的建设(城市版) - 2006 ( 10 ) 万方数据期刊论文冲在第一线的最高指挥官 - 医学美学美容(财智) - 2006 ( 3 ) 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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