

拳头上立得人对应英文:The fist made people

拳头上立得人,胳膊上走得马,人面上行得人 运用了夸张的手法,侧面描写出的之风 更是体现出了当时社会的风气。对应英文:The fist made people go horse, arms, face upward to use hyperbole, side description out of the wind is reflected at that time social atmosphere.

肥了骡子瘦了马。 临崖勒马收缰晚。 看不起骡子买不起马。 拳头上立得人,胳膊上跑得马。 望山走倒马。 惯骑马的惯跌交。 骑马坐船三分险。 路遥知马力,日久见人心。...对应英文:Fat mule thin ma. The horses cliff Shoujiang late. Look down upon a mule can not afford to buy a horse. The fist stand, arms and ran the horse. Mount hope go down a horse. Ins inertial fell on horseback. Riding the boat three risks. Time tries all. ...

花无百园红 送君千里,终须一别 人无刚骨,安身不牢 表壮不如里壮 篱牢犬不入 拳头上立得人,胳膊上走得马,人面上行得人 骏马却驮痴汉走,美妻常伴拙夫眠 柔软是立身之本...对应英文:No one hundred yuan red send you a thousand miles, must not no rigid bone, based on the unstable table Zhuang as Li Zhuang Lei prison dogs don't into the fist made people go horse, arms, face upward to the horse is on our walks, beautiful wife often accompanied by the softness of Zhuo Fumian is the foundation of this...

拳头上立得人,膊上走得马,人面上行的人,不是那等搠不出的鳖老婆!自从嫁了武大,真个蝼蚁也不敢入屋里来,有甚么篱笆不牢,犬儿钻得入来!你胡言乱语,一句句都要下落丢下...对应英文:The fist stand, Bo go horse, face upward, not the jab no turtle wife! Since married Wuda, really ants also dare not into the house, what the fence is not firm, dog son to drill into! You talk rubbish, a sentence should fall leave...

飞利浦还好,不过这个好与不好,应该是根据自身来定的,要你自己用了觉得好,那才是真的好,别人说的不一定适合你,所以自己的感觉才最重要。对应英文:Philips okay, but the good and bad, should be based on their own to decide, be yourself with a feel good, that is really good, what people say is not necessarily suitable for you, so you feel is the most important.

目前枕头高度有"拳头说"还有"身高说"两大基本理论,这两大基本理论也是完全相通的。"拳头说"国内很..."枕头的高度为枕头压下去与个人的拳头立起的高度一致。这是...对应英文:At present, the height of the pillow "fist" and "the height that" two basic theory, the two basic theory is exactly the same. "Fist" home... "The height of the pillow is the pillow down with individual fist raised highly consistent. This is...

"原来每个人立起来的拳头的高度,就是适合自己的枕头的高度,这个高度正好符合人体离开卧床之后的生理屈度。人在站立时,颈椎有向前的生理弧度,所以如果在躺下之后头部过...对应英文:"So everyone stood fist height, is suitable the height of the pillow, the height is consistent with the physical body to leave the bed in flexion. People in the stands, cervical physiological radian ahead, so if the lie down after the head...

.有一位聋哑人,想买几根钉子,就来到五金商店,对售货员做了这样一个手垫左手食指立在柜台上,右手握拳做出敲击的样子.售货员见状,先给他拿来一把锤子.聋哑人摇摇头.于...对应英文:. there is a deaf mute person, want to buy a few nails, went to the hardware store, the salesman to do such a hand pad left index finger upright at the counter, his right fist to hit it. The clerk looked at, first brought him a hammer. Deaf shook his head...

两只脚并拢)放松肩部,前后不要扭曲) 腹部膝盖 (放松心口窝以上部分,(膝盖之间有一拳头 稳住腰部和臀部使身体稳定)左右宽) ()安乐坐 .右腿弯曲,右脚后跟处于身体中心...对应英文:Two feet together) relax the shoulders, and not to twist the abdomen (relax) knee above part (the pit of the stomach, a fist to stabilize the waist and hips to make the body stable between left and right knee) wide) () safe. Bend your right leg, right heel in the center of the body...

有点内伤了,去医院检查下。一般没什么事情的对应英文:A little wound, go to the hospital to check. Generally not what things


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