

听风就是雨对应英文:Whenever one hears the wind, he thinks it is raining
听风就是雨  (tīng fēng jiù shì yǔ)

兔爷小米娱乐圈真真假假,听风就是雨的看客是傻逼看客。对应英文:Rabbit Ye millet entertainment falsehood, listening to the wind is rain spectators is idiot spectators.

你也别听风就是雨:我还不至于软弱到对恐惧产生幻觉,这种幻觉就跟对希望保有的幻想一样地荒谬,而且肯定更加让人难以忍受。对应英文:You don't listen to the wind is rain: I am not weak enough to produce the illusion of fear, the illusion as illusions of hope as absurd, and certainly more unbearable.

美国人应该长点儿脑子,别听风就是雨,稍微涨一点儿税收没什么可怕的,它可以使美国政府稳定减摇一下债务,并且向特殊利益集团发出清晰的信息。对应英文:Americans should be longer in mind, don't listen to the wind is rain, slightly rise a little tax not what terrible, it can make American government stabilize the debt, and clear message to the special interest group issued.

兔爷小米娱乐圈真真假假,听风就是雨的看客是傻逼看客。对应英文:Rabbit Ye millet entertainment falsehood, listening to the wind is rain spectators is idiot spectators.

你也别听风就是雨:我还不至于软弱到对恐惧产生幻觉,这种幻觉就跟对希望保有的幻想一样地荒谬,而且肯定更加让人难以忍受。对应英文:You don't listen to the wind is rain: I am not weak enough to produce the illusion of fear, the illusion as illusions of hope as absurd, and certainly more unbearable.

美国人应该长点儿脑子,别听风就是雨,稍微涨一点儿税收没什么可怕的,它可以使美国政府稳定减摇一下债务,并且向特殊利益集团发出清晰的信息。对应英文:Americans should be longer in mind, don't listen to the wind is rain, slightly rise a little tax not what terrible, it can make American government stabilize the debt, and clear message to the special interest group issued.

夜阑卧听风吹雨,就是这夜雨,只能用耳在听它的喜怒哀乐。对应英文:Lying to the wind and rain, is the night, with ears to listen to it the passions only.

核能,我们要系统地看,不要听风就是雨,像个没见过世面的人。对应英文:Nuclear power, we should systematically, don't listen to the wind is rain, like a person who never seen the world.

俗语听风就是雨tīng fēng jiù shì yǔ是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/1221.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。


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