

打一巴掌揉三揉对应英文:A slap in the face rubbing three times

软硬兼施对应英文:Act tough and talk soft

打一巴掌揉三揉---假仁假义虚情假意 独木桥上钉木版---故意让人过不去对应英文:A slap in the face rubbing three times - don a pious mask false display of affection the single plank bridge nail board, intentionally let people not to go

如果你是指俗话经常说的打一巴掌给你柔三柔,那肯定是坏的,那就像打一巴掌给个棒棒糖一样的,虚情假意的意思...或者你被人打了一巴掌柔了三柔,就得看情况来。所以事情不能...对应英文:If you mean they often say a slap in the face to your soft three soft, it must be bad, it was like a slap in the face to a lollipop, false display of affection meaning... Or you are a hard slap soft three soft, have to look at the situation. So it's not...

和打一巴掌给个甜枣的意思差不多对应英文:And a slap in the face to a sweet date mean

这个跟东北俗话"打一巴掌,再给个红枣吃"是一个意思。就是说,先批评你一顿,训你一顿,或者挖苦一下,然后马上安慰你,抚慰你一下。对应英文:This with the Northeast saying "a slap in the face, give a red dates to eat" is a meaning. That is to say, the first to criticize you a lesson, teach you a meal, or sarcasm, and then immediately to comfort you, comfort you.

我的经验是"打一巴掌揉三揉"。对什么样的孩子这招都超灵。遇到事情首先分析一下,如果是他没理,还特倔,你就可以比他还倔,完全根据他的表现反射给他。我有一个学生就是...对应英文:My experience is that "a slap in the face rubbing three times". What kind of children that are super spirit. Encounter things first analyze, if he is not, especially stubborn, you can also stubborn than he, based entirely on his performance reflected to him. I have a student is...

希望不要伤到角膜,去医院确定一下。所以教育孩子"体罚"不可取,实在要用以打臀部为目标,不过一定要控制力度!对应英文:Don't want to hurt the cornea, go to the hospital to confirm. So education child "corporal punishment" is not desirable, it should be used to make the hips as the goal, but must control!

对待流氓就的该出手时就出手,支持,做的好,对应英文:Treat the rogue on the hand on hand, to support, to do good,

"噼啪!","不行了!少打一板子吧。"。"噼啪!","饶了我把.."因为疼痛,小贝扭动着自己圆润可爱的小屁股。"噼啪..."妈妈在她两片红红的屁股上又各扇了一巴掌"还敢不敢叫了""呜呜...对应英文:"Crack!", "no! The less a board. ". "Crack!", "let me take.." because of the pain, he twisted his mellow sweet little ass. "Crackling..." mother in her two pieces of red buttock and each fan a slap in the face "dare to call" "hum...

稍休分钟后用拇指、食指轻挽下颌线,左右往返三次,最后用手掌轻抚颈部。.淋巴腺按摩屈肘,合起双掌,拇指顶住下巴中间凹陷区域。慢慢地利用拇指的力量顺着下巴交替往里...对应英文:Slightly off minutes later with the thumb, index finger light pull jaw line, travel around three times, the last with the palm of the hand stroking the neck. . lymphatic massage elbow, close double palm, thumb withstand chin middle sag region. Slowly the thumb force along the jaw alternately to...


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