

出手不落空对应英文:To fail

他的杀气阴森恐怖,令人不寒而栗,出手必不落空,做前锋做到罗马里奥的份上,算是做绝了。  罗马里奥最辉煌的战绩是年世界杯带领巴西夺冠,虽然最后的决赛中,他和贝贝...对应英文:His murderous look grim, a shiver all over though not cold, hand will not fail, as do a striker Romario, is enough. Romario is the most brilliant record is the world cup with Brazil, although the final, he and babe...

她是神偷妙空空 眼疾手快行如风 凭借一身好武功 出手从来不落空 受邀参加武林盟 岂料请帖竟失踪 其实是我出的手 (写下战书约对手)(对手是我钱小飞) 这下麻烦惹上身 ...对应英文:She is the wonderful empty eye line wind, with a good martial arts moves never lose invited Wu Lin Meng considers the invitation was missing actually is my hand (write afternoon about opponent) (an opponent is my money fly) this trouble trouble...

他的杀气阴森恐怖,令人不寒而栗,出手必不落空,做前锋做到罗马里奥的份上,算是做绝了。 罗马里奥最辉煌的战绩是年世界杯带领巴西夺冠,虽然最后的决赛中,他和贝贝托双...对应英文:His murderous look grim, a shiver all over though not cold, hand will not fail, as do a striker Romario, is enough. Romario is the most brilliant record is the world cup with Brazil, although the final, he and Pepe Tor Sun...

转移给科比,妙传给了安东尼,后者左翼外线出手命中分。小甜瓜的三分命中率出其的高,中国队要注意防守...霍华德得到篮板转移给基德,基德三分线出手落空。中国队这次防...对应英文:Transfer to Kobe, pass to Anthony, who left perimeter shots hit. Small muskmelon three points hit rate is high, China team should pay attention to defense... Howard got the rebound is transferred to the Kidd, Kidd three point hit lost. China team this case...

接下来说下我用金箍棒的打法以及优势与劣势 金箍棒都是跑出手 所以跑位以及各种意识是最重要的 抓对方...多丢人啊 跑出手落空太容易被人揍 最后一点对方混乱...对应英文:Next to me with golden cudgel play and the advantages and disadvantages are run out so the movement and consciousness is the most important to catch each other... How humiliating ran out of hand failed too easy to hit the last point the other chaos...

金箍棒都是跑出手 所以跑位以及各种意识是最重要的 抓对方漏洞跑中了一套连 近身如果要进攻个人建议...多丢人啊 跑出手落空太容易被人揍 最后一点对方混乱...对应英文:Golden cudgel is run out so the movement and consciousness is the most important to catch each other vulnerabilities in a melee attack even if personal advice... How humiliating ran out of hand failed too easy to hit the last point the other chaos...

小李飞刀。 他的刀从不随便出手,但只要一出手,就绝不会落空。 我一向很少写太神奇的武功,小李飞刀却是绝对神奇的。 我从未描写过这种刀的形状和长短,也从未描写过它...对应英文:Li flying. His knife never shot, but only one hand, will never fail. I rarely write too magical powers, Li flying is absolutely amazing. I never wrote about this Dao shape and length, never wrote it...

他的杀气阴森恐怖,令人不寒而栗,出手必不落空,做前锋做到罗马里奥的份上,算是做绝了。 .罗纳尔多通过观察罗纳尔多球场的英姿,你可在他身上找到巴西人的技巧和德国人...对应英文:His murderous look grim, a shiver all over though not cold, hand will not fail, as do a striker Romario, is enough. Ronaldo Ronaldo stadium. By observing the heroic, you can find in him the skills and the Germans had...

天圣盗贼团出现已经有上万年了,出手从不落空,而且从来就不留活口,没人知道天圣盗贼团的基地在哪,也没有知道天圣盗贼团有多少人。 蓝卡福道"父王,我觉得我们应该三思...对应英文:Tiansheng rogue group appeared 10 thousand years from now, when are never lost, but never left alive, nobody know Tiansheng rogue group base in which, also did not know how many people are there in the group of st.. Blue Road "father, I think we should think twice...

他在总冠军第三战的后两分钟登场,出手次落空,但却摘下颗篮板,成为史上最年轻的总冠军球员。在之前,史上最年轻的(总冠军赛球员)是一位替补前锋...对应英文:In his third championship game after two minutes on stage, when once lost, but took a rebound, became the youngest champion player. Before, the youngest (Championship player) is a substitute striker...


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