

遭难莫寻亲对应英文:Distress Mo tracing

直译就是 就是在这个社会里没有钱众人都不会理你,遇到困难亲人都不会帮你,去找他们也是白受气的。 但我认为这个是十分片面的说话,作者写这句话的初衷可能是因为他自己...对应英文:Literal translation is in this society does not have the money they won't ignore you, difficult family won't help you, I find them is white. But I think this is very one-sided to speak, write this sentence in the original intention of the author probably because of his own...

轻微就不要背负太重的东西,言语没有说服力就不要劝人,没有钱就不要进入大众世界,遇到灾难就不要寻找亲人对应英文:Slight don't carry too heavy things, language is not convincing don't urge people, no money, don't enter the mass world, disaster will not find relatives

亲戚或一些朋友是你荣耀的时候才走动的,一个人遭难的时候,就像歌里头的唱的"平时喝酒最认真,一旦...即使找到人了,落魄的时候去寻亲,是会受到一些短见人的冷落和...对应英文:Relatives or friends when you glory to move, when a person is in distress, as the song singing "drinking the most seriously, once... Even if found someone, when to search, will be some short-sighted people left out in the cold and...

----说话没分量不要劝解别人。 无钱休入众,----没有足够的钱财不要学别人一样奢侈。 遭难莫寻亲------遇难的时候不要寻求情人的帮助。对应英文:No component don't persuade others. No money into the Hugh, ---- didn't have enough money and others not as extravagant. Trouble tracing - Mo died not seek Valentine's help.

遭难莫寻亲 世态炎凉 遇难思亲 这两个行为的主体不一样!对应英文:Trouble tracing the fickleness of the world body, dear Mo killed the two behavior is not the same!

亲戚或一些朋友是你荣耀的时候才走动的,一个人遭难的时候,就像歌里头的唱的"平时喝酒最认真,一旦兄弟...即使找到人了,落魄的时候去寻亲,是会受到一些短见人的冷落和...对应英文:Relatives or friends when you glory to move, when a person is in distress, as the song singing "drinking the most serious, once the brothers... Even if found someone, when to search, will be some short-sighted people left out in the cold and...

没有钱众人都不会理你,遇到困难亲人都不会帮你,去找他们也是白受气. 至于"莫信直中直,须防仁不仁",就是说很多人都是伪君子,看上去很正直,其实奸得很看上去很仁义,其实...对应英文:No money they will not ignore you, difficult family won't help you, for they are white. As for "by Mo letter straight straight, beware of benevolence", that is to say a lot of people are hypocrites, looks very honest, in fact a very looks very righteousness, in fact...

遭受到困难时就不要想着寻亲。意思就是说当一个人落难的时候,不要奢望亲友能雪中送炭对应英文:Suffered difficulties don't try tracing. It means that when a person is in distress, don't expect to family and friends can timely assistance

因为是家人! 家是一个温暖的地方 不管多么狼狈 都是你的港湾!对应英文:Because the family! Home is a warm place no matter how pathetic is your harbour!

山中自有千年树,世上难逢百岁人。 力微休重负,言轻莫劝人。无钱休入众,遭难莫寻亲。 平生莫作皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。 士者国之宝,儒为席上珍。若要断酒法,醒眼看醉...对应英文:The mountain has thousand years tree, hard to find a hundred people. Force micro Hugh burden, Yanqing not persuade people. No money into the Hugh Mo, trouble tracing. For the Mo sad things, the world should have no teeth. Bao country scholar, Confucianism as the bench jane. If you want to stop drinking, just observe the drunk...


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