

更上一层楼对应英文:To the next level
词 目 更上一层楼 发 音 gèng shàng yī céng lóu

你的面试服装应该符合公司的着装规范,或更上一层楼。对应英文:Your interview clothes should conform to the dress code of the company, or to the next level.

通过一轮全国性的广告竞赛和新的设计,新蛋网又将更上一层楼。对应英文:Through the round of nationwide advertising competition and the new design, new egg nets and to the next level.

它还指向互相推动对方的表现更上一层楼的创造性潜力。对应英文:It also points to promote each other's performance to the next level of creative potential.

通过一轮全国性的广告竞赛和新的设计,新蛋网又将更上一层楼。对应英文:Through the round of nationwide advertising competition and the new design, new egg nets and to the next level.

那么怎样的特质才能使一位好员工更上一层楼,成为一位真正的杰出员工呢?对应英文:So what kind of qualities to make a good employee to the next level, and become a real outstanding employees?

你的面试服装应该符合公司的着装规范,或更上一层楼。对应英文:Your interview clothes should conform to the dress code of the company, or to the next level.

它还指向互相推动对方的表现更上一层楼的创造性潜力。对应英文:It also points to promote each other's performance to the next level of creative potential.

我们期待在随后的官方发布中质量和性能能更上一层楼,同时我们还会进行更多的测试。对应英文:We look forward to the official release later in the quality and performance to the next level, and we will do more test.

还要算上众多的党内和军队的官员们,他们一直为更上一层楼而苦熬多年。对应英文:Is on many of the party and army officials, they have been waiting for to the next level for many years.

保持好工作和生活的平衡能够使“掏空族”的生活更上一层楼,而如果有终身学习的规划,他们就一定能够摆脱被“掏空”的命运。对应英文:Maintain a good work/life balance can make the life of the empty "tribe" to the next level, and if you have the planning of lifelong learning, they will be able to get rid of the fate of being "hollowed out".

如果你想要更上一层楼或者是保持一流水平,那么这些苦难是你必须克服的。对应英文:If you want to go to the next level or keep the top level, then the suffering is you must overcome.

许多新公寓空置着等待不动产价格更上一层楼,这样它们就能以更高的价格卖出。对应英文:Many new apartments empty waiting for real estate prices to the next level, so that they can sell at a higher price.

他说:“为了保持再生能源增长的上升趋势,如今政策上的努力需要更上一层楼,促使再生能源技术大规模地得到提高。”对应英文:He said: "in order to keep the rise of renewable energy growth, policy efforts now needed to the next level, to promote renewable energy technology was improved on a large scale."

弗吉尼亚州提高能源效率的工作尤其可以在建筑物的改型翻新过程中更上一层楼。对应英文:Virginia energy efficiency especially can work in the retrofit of the building to the next level in the process of renovation.

随后,奎因的三个孩子都上了学;他离了婚,也找到了真爱,卡罗琳,那个自愿帮助奎因好让他的兴趣爱好更上一层楼的女子。对应英文:Then quinn's three kids off to school;

这种设计所固有的可能性在于,XML中可以加入新的元素(对应于类中的字段),从而使得让API在表义性上更上一层楼成为可能。对应英文:Inherent possibility is that this design can add new elements in the XML (field) in the corresponding to the class, thus making the API to the next level on table righteousness sex possible.

在5月,一家报纸的调查显示51%的日本人希望对中国采取“更强硬”的路线;只有26%的人期待友谊更上一层楼。对应英文:In may, a newspaper survey shows that 51% of the Japanese hope to China to take "tougher" route;

分析师表示,如果华为想要更上一层楼,必须主动应对政治忧虑.对应英文:, analysts said if it want to the next level, must take the initiative to deal with political concerns.

无论领导一场企业救赎战,还是让企业更上一层楼,都是令人望而生畏的任务。对应英文:Lead a corporate redemption battle, or for business to the next level, is a daunting task.

美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马在周四晚发表的声明中表示范龙佩和阿什顿“会使欧盟和美国之间的伙伴关系更上一层楼。”对应英文:US President barack Obama said in a statement Thursday night rompuy demonstration and ashton "can make a partnership between the eu and the us to the next level."

但是我们必须更上一层楼,2015年只是漫长旅程中的一站。对应英文:But we must to the next level, 2015 was a standing in the long journey.

深信这次访问将使日益发展的韩中关系更上一层楼,为两国友好合作开辟新的前景。对应英文:Believe that this visit will make growing Korea in relation to the next level, to open up new prospects for bilateral friendly cooperation.

俗语更上一层楼gèng shàng yī céng lóu是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/180.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

唐朝著名诗人王之涣,他性格豪放,擅长做诗,经常与王昌龄、高适等在一块切磋诗技。王之涣被免职后,游遍黄河南北,他到薄州登鹳鹤楼,作诗一首:“白日依山尽,黄河入海流;欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。” 人与人之间,因背景、平台、机遇、自身能力的不同,在付出同样的汗水之后,得到的结果有所不同,所以有句古话:人比人,气死人。自己是可以同自己相比较的,今年的我与去年的我、这个月的我与上个月的我、今天的我与昨天的我相比有没有进步,只要能够不断进步,总有一天能够超越那些不进步的人。更上一层楼,不断地更上一层楼,就算平台是平地,总有一天会俯瞰群楼。

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