

兼听者明对应英文:And the listener Ming

兼听则明 偏信则暗 唐太宗问宰相魏征"我作为一国之君,怎样才能明辨是非,不受蒙蔽呢"魏征回答说"作为国君,只听一面之辞就会糊里糊涂,常常会作出错误的判断。只有广泛...对应英文:It is dark and Tang Taizong asked the prime minister Wei Zheng "I as king, how to distinguish between truth and falsehood, not fooled." Wei Zheng replied "as a sovereign, just listen to the one-sided statement will be in disorderly fashion, often make errors in judgment. Only the broad...

兼听则明,偏听则暗 来源 (一)汉-王符《潜伏论-明暗》"君之所以明者,兼听也其所以暗者,偏信也。" (二)《资治通鉴-唐纪-太宗贞观二年》"上问魏征曰'人主何以为明,...对应英文:It is (a), parties from Han Wang Fu "and" Jun "lurking on the Ming, and listen to the dark, into it. "(two)" Zi Zhi Tong Jian Tang Ji - Taizong Zhenguan two years "" asked Wei Zheng said 'why is the main,...

也作"兼听则明,偏听则暗"。 "兼听则明,偏听则暗。"出自《新唐书·魏征传》。 魏征,字玄成,馆陶(今河北馆陶县)人。为唐朝初期的政治活动家和历史学家。唐太宗时,曾任谏...对应英文:Also as "the next, parties". Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted. "From the" new book of Tang, Wei Zheng. ". Wei Zheng, into a mysterious character, Guantao (now Hebei Guantao county) people. For the early Tang Dynasty political activist and historian. Tang Taizong, a former remonstrance...

资治通鉴也作"兼听则明,偏听则暗"。"兼听则明,偏听则暗。"出自《新唐书·魏征传》。魏征,字玄成,馆陶(今河北馆陶县)人。为唐朝初期的政治活动家和历史学家。唐太宗时,...对应英文:The Zizhitongjian "to both parties, as well as". Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted. "From the" new book of Tang, Wei Zheng. ". Wei Zheng, into a mysterious character, Guantao (now Hebei Guantao county) people. For the early Tang Dynasty political activist and historian. Tang Taizong,...

这个成语意思是广泛地听取多方面的意见,就能明白事情的真相,作出正确的判断,只听信一方面的意见就会不了解真相,得出错误的结论。 告诫人们办事要广泛听取意见,不要听...对应英文:This idiom means widely listen to various views, we can understand the truth, make correct judgment, just listen to a views will not know the truth, draw the wrong conclusion. Warn people to act in a wide range of opinions, don't listen to...

同时 兼听则明~偏听则暗~对应英文:At the same time to both parties ~ ~

指有同时听取各方面的意见,才能正确认识事物对应英文:To listen to the views at the same time, we can understand things

兼听则明,偏听则暗一、意思明指看是清楚暗昏暗,糊涂。听取多方面的意见就能了解事情的真实情况,单听信一方面的话,自己就糊涂,事情就弄不清楚。二、出处"兼听则明,...对应英文:Next, parties, meaning a finger is clear dark dark, confused. The real situation to listen to various opinions can understand things, listen to a single word, he is confused, things are not clear. Two, it is the source of ",...

兼听则明 听取多方面意见,全面了解情况,就能明辨是非,做出正确判断。常与"偏信则暗"或"偏听则蔽"连用。 汉·王符《潜夫论·明暗》"君之所以明者,兼听也其所以暗者,偏信...对应英文:Next listen to various opinions, comprehensive understanding of the situation, will be able to distinguish between truth and falsehood, to make the right judgments. And "dark" or "partial listens shield". Han Wang Fu "QianfuLun, light and shade" "Ming Jun is, listen to its so dark, into the...

上问魏徵曰"人主何为而明,何为而暗"对曰"兼听则明,偏信则暗。昔尧清问下民,故有苗之恶得以上闻。舜明四目,达四聪,故共、鲧、驩兜不能蔽也。秦二世偏信赵高,以成望...对应英文:Asked Wei Zhiyue "how the Lord for tomorrow, what is dark and dark," "replied. Xi Yao Qing ask people, the seedling evil more than smell. Shun Ming four, up to four C, Gong, gun, huandou cannot shield also. Qin II into the Zhao Gao, in the hope...


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