

狗肉不上宴席对应英文:Dogs don't banquet

是因为狗肉比较贵,而宴席上用的又不是少量,为了考虑经济方面,还是不上狗肉为宜,用以其它动物肉代之。对应英文:Because the dog is more expensive, but the banquet with not small, in order to consider the economic aspects, or no dog is appropriate, for other animal meat generation.

最早满族以狗为图腾,本就很少吃狗肉,到了慈禧这里,慈禧是极端讨厌狗肉的,一次吃饭是给她端的菜有狗肉,慈禧就说狗是我族的神,不得上席。本来慈禧一吃饭就是满汉全席,...对应英文:The earliest Manchu to dog totem, the little dog, to Ci Xi here, Ci Xi is extremely hate dogs, a dinner for her side dishes have meat, Ci Xi said the dog is my family of God, not on the seats. Ci Xi was a dinner is a feast,...

因为清太祖努尔哈赤是被他的狗救活的 所以立下了不吃狗肉 不戴狗皮帽子一类的规矩所以这个东西你平时私底下偷偷吃可以 但是上宴席用狗肉做菜就是找死了之后的太平天国...对应英文:Because after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Qing Taizu Nur Ha Che was his dog saved so made not to eat dog meat for a class of not wearing a hat. So the things you usually secretly eating but banquet with dog meat cooking is have a death wish...

现在的狗肉很贵,成为了酒席上的上品。可是在古代,狗肉很贱,因为为养狗的人很多,狗也就便易。挂羊头卖狗肉,可见狗肉远远地不如羊肉贵。物以稀为贵,要招待贵宾,当然要用...对应英文:Now the dog is very expensive, a banquet on the top grade. But in the old times, dog meat is cheap, because many people for dogs, dogs were easily. Cheat, so far as your dog meat. Rare, to entertain guests, of course to use...

狗在金人眼中是打猎的好帮手,因此禁止吃狗肉,部分汉人就私下偷偷地吃,所以就有个说法,狗肉上不了宴席 还有一种说法,就是古时候把肉分成几等,以牛羊肉为上等,下等的狗肉...对应英文:Dogs are hunting good helper Jin in the eyes, therefore forbidden to eat dog meat, some Han people secretly secretly eat, so there is a saying, dog meat on the banquet there is a saying in ancient times, is the meat into several, with beef and mutton as the superior, inferior dog...

就是说狗肉虽然好吃有营养但它比较不雅 太低俗所以上不了台面 也形容人虽然什么都挺好但就是因为某种原因不配上什么正式场合! 我是这么理解的啊!!对应英文:Is that dog meat while delicious nutritious but it is not too bad so don't on the table also describe people although what are good but because for some reason not what formal occasions! So I understand!!

比如"走狗"、"哈巴狗"即是,所以人们出于忌讳才说"狗肉上不了席"。意思就是千万别拿狗肉去撑台面。对应英文:Such as "running dog", "Pug" is, so people out of taboo "dog not on the mat at". It means don't take dog to hold mesa.

因为有狗肉的菜不好取菜名吧。有个狗字在很喜庆的庆典里很别扭的。对应英文:Because the dog food is not good for the dishes. There is a dog character very uncomfortable in a festive celebrations.

狗肉汤、牛肉汤、猪肉汤、河鱼汤、海菜汤、豆腐汤、饼汤、冷面汤、酱汤……仅仅是酱汤,又可以因所用酱的品...朝鲜族款待客人,奉上一桌狗肉宴席,是一种较高的礼遇。过去生...对应英文:Dog meat soup, beef broth, pork soup, fish soup, seaweed soup, bean soup, soup, soup noodles, bean cake...... Is only the miso soup, also can be used for the sauce to taste... Korean guests, serve on a table of dog meat feast, is a higher privilege. The past...

常言说"狗肉不能上席面",这是为什么呢   "狗肉滚三滚,神仙站不稳",意思是狗肉香美异常,致使神仙也经不...如"狗肉不能上席面"或者"狗肉不上桌"等等,虽然承认狗肉好吃,...对应英文:As the saying goes "dog can not be on the table", which is why "dog meat rolls three rolling, immortal standing instability", meaning meat sweet anomaly, the deity is not... As "dog can not be on the table" or "dog meat is not on the table" and so on, while acknowledging the dog,...


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