

三月不知肉味对应英文:In march, I do not know meat

三月不知肉味《论语·述而》载"子在齐闻《韶》,三月不知肉昧,曰,'不图为乐之至于斯也。"孔子在齐国听《韶》乐,三个月吃肉都不知道肉的美味,并说"想不到创作的音乐竞...对应英文:Absorbed "the Analects of Confucius" and "the smell" Shao "sub carrier in the Qi, in March I know meat, said, 'not for music to here also. "Confucius in Qi" Shao "listening to music, for three months did not know the meat meat delicious, and said" think of music...

喜爱之极,说"三月不知肉味!"也是一句夸张的话。肉对孔子那个时代的人来说是很重要的,孔子收学费,收的就是肉干(束修)。但他听了美妙无比的韶乐之后,整个身体,很长一段...对应英文:Love the most, "says absorbed!" is an exaggeration. The meat is very important for Confucius contemporaries, Confucius charge tuition fees, charge is jerky (Shu Xiu). Later, he heard the wonderful Shao music throughout the body, a long...

比喻集中注意力于某一事物而忘记了其它事情。也借用来形容几个月不吃肉。 【出自】《论语·述而》"子在齐闻《韶》,三月不知肉味。"对应英文:Compared to focus on something and forget other things. Also borrowed to describe a few months do not eat meat. [from] "the Analects of Confucius" and "the son Qi Wen" Shao ", absorbed. "

三月不知肉味,曰'不图为乐之至于斯也!'"对这一事件,《史记·孔子世家》所记略有不同"与齐太师语乐,闻《韶》音,学之,三月不知肉味。齐人称之。"太史公多了"学之"两字。...对应英文:Absorbed, said 'no plans for music have come to this!' "of the incident," Shihchi Confucius family "the mind has different" and Qi Taishi language music, news "Shao" sound, science, absorbed. People call. "" Taishigong much "learning". ...

〖出处〗《论语.述而》"子在齐闻《韶》,三月不知肉味,曰'不图为乐之至于斯也。'"朱熹集注"盖心一于是,而不及乎他也。"   〖今译〗今亦用以...对应英文:"The Analects of Confucius" source "and". The "son Qi Wen" Shao ", absorbed, said 'no plans for music to here also. '"Zhu Xi variorum" cover heart so, rather than he is. "" the "this is also used to...

三月不知肉昧,曰,'不图为乐之至于斯也。"孔子在齐国听《韶》乐,三个月吃肉都不知道肉的美味,并说"想不到...听音乐是精神享受,吃肉是物质享受,孔子听音乐而忘了肉味,对应英文:In March I know meat, said, 'not happy to here also. "Confucius in Qi" Shao "listening to music, for three months did not know the meat meat delicious, and said that"... Listen to music is a pleasure of the mind, it is Confucius material enjoyment, listen to music and forget meat,

什么想不起来,但身心是舒坦的、宁静的、甜美的,感到极大的安慰和平衡,所以,他感慨道"三月不知肉味!"--孔夫子,真赤子之心也!  典故周敬王的大夫苌弘正在自家厅堂里...对应英文:What do not want to, but the body is comfortable, quiet, sweet, feel great comfort and balance, so, he sighs with emotion "absorbed!" - Kong Fuzi, was utter innocence! Allusions Zhou Jing Wang Chang Hong was its own doctor hall...

四堵土墙顶着一个宽大的茅草棚,地上铺满竹席,席上摆放着几张粗朴的矮脚长方木桌。这位来客不是别人,是鲁国大夫孔子。孔子精通诗、书、礼、易,也颇为擅长音乐,但还没达...对应英文:Four walls topped with a large thatched shed, the ground covered with mats, table, placed a few pieces of rustic dwarf rectangular wooden table. The visitor is not others, is the doctor Confucius. Confucius versed in poetry, books, Li, Yi, is also quite good at music, but not as...

是说韶乐太好听了,以至于孔子废寝忘食。 后来用三月不知肉味来比喻集中注意力于某一事物而忘记了其它事情。对应英文:It is said Shao music very much, so Confucius sleepless nights. Later absorbed analogy to concentrate on a thing and forget other things.

"三月不知肉味"出自先秦诸子散文之一的《论"三月不知肉味"出自先秦诸子散文之一的《论语•述而》。 《论语•述而》记载"子(注孔子)在齐闻《韶》(...对应英文:"Absorbed" from the pre Qin prose of "theory" absorbed "from the Analects of Confucius, one of the pre Qin prose" and ". "The Analects of Confucius," records "and sub (note Confucius) in Qi Wen" Shao "(...



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