

热锅上蚂蚁对应英文:Cat on hot bricks
  热锅上蚂蚁   拼音: rè guō shàng mǎ yǐ 简拼: rgsmy   近义词: 心急如焚、坐立不安 反义词:     用法: 偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;含贬义,形容坐立不安的样子   解释: 比喻处境艰困、惶急不安的人。   出处: 清・吴敬梓《儒林外史》第六回:“把个赵氏在屏风后急得像热锅上蚂蚁一般。”   例子: 丁玲《水》:“女人们还在越聚越多,像~,有些跑回了家又跑了出去。”   谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   热锅上的蚂蚁热锅上蚂蚁热锅上蝼蚁     

当他知道他的太太快要生孩子了,他急得像只热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:When he learned that his wife was going to have a baby, he was in a hurry like ants on a hot pan.

这时小闫老师急得如热锅上蚂蚁团团转,她一边轻声安慰着我,一边用双手轻轻地抚摸着我的肚子,一边还尽量说些逗我开心的话语。对应英文:The small Yan teacher anxious like the cat on hot bricks run round in circles, she quietly to comfort me, side with both hands gently stroked my stomach, and try to say something make me happy words.

汤姆搞到了一张足球赛的门票,但他的父亲让他在家里写作文。 他急得象热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:Tom has got a ticket to the football match, but his father ordered him to write the composition at home. He is anxious like ants on a hot pan.

当他知道他的太太快要生孩子了,他急得像只热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:When he learned that his wife was going to have a baby, he was in a hurry like ants on a hot pan.

这时小闫老师急得如热锅上蚂蚁团团转,她一边轻声安慰着我,一边用双手轻轻地抚摸着我的肚子,一边还尽量说些逗我开心的话语。对应英文:The small Yan teacher anxious like the cat on hot bricks run round in circles, she quietly to comfort me, side with both hands gently stroked my stomach, and try to say something make me happy words.

汤姆搞到了一张足球赛的门票,但他的父亲让他在家里写作文。 他急得象热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:Tom has got a ticket to the football match, but his father ordered him to write the composition at home. He is anxious like ants on a hot pan.

不要坐立不安! 像只热锅上的蚂蚁!对应英文:Don't be on tenterhooks! Just like ants on a hot pan!

吉尔的作业找不到了,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:Gil's work can not find, anxious like ants on a hot pan.

蚂蚁在热锅上躁动不安。对应英文:Ant restlessness in the hot pot.

一位亚洲债券投资者表示,假如人民币对美元的升值速度不像预期的那么快,这些企业——其中不少是房地产企业——大多将变成“热锅上的蚂蚁”。对应英文:An Asia bond investors said, if the appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar rate than expected so fast, these enterprises -- many of which are real estate enterprises -- mostly will become the "ants on a hot pan".

每次比赛前他都像热锅上的蚂蚁一样紧张不安。对应英文:Before every game he like ants on a hot pan as nervous.

面对日益严峻的物价上涨,我们的老百姓已经如热锅上的蚂蚁!对应英文:In the face of increasingly severe price, our common people already like ants on a hot pan!

最快放行时间下周星期—展览会开幕的日子,所有参展商工作人员急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:The fastest time release next week week exhibition opening day, all exhibitors staff anxious like ants on a hot pan.

他们三个在里面天南地北的聊着,而外面的人着急的像热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:The three of them inside chatting far apart from each other, while the outside people anxious like ants on a hot pan.

汤姆搞到了一张足球比赛的门票,但他的父亲让谭在家里写作文,他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:Tom has got a ticket to the football match, but his father let writing tan at home, he is anxious like ants on a hot pan.

可是我却怎么也想不起来我的上一个同桌叫什么,名字似乎就在嘴边可就是想不起来,我就像热锅上的蚂蚁不知所措。对应英文:But I also remember how my deskmate is what the last name, seems to be in the mouth can not remember, I like ants on a hot pan at a loss.

舞台剧首演的前晚,这名女演员紧张到像热锅上的蚂蚁般来回走动。对应英文:The stage play premiered last night, the actress tense to like ants on a hot pan like walking back and forth.

他的妻子急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。对应英文:His wife anxious like ants on a hot pan.

帕特急如热锅上的蚂蚁,因为贝蒂抢走了她男朋友的相片给同学传看。对应英文:Pat was like ants on a hot pan, for Betty had snatched her boyfriend's photo to pass it around the classroom.

他们三个都很高兴,直到看到第四个夥伴急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,喃喃自语并用头撞墙。对应英文:Three of them are happy, until you see the fourth partner anxious like ants on a hot pan, to oneself and banging your head against a wall.


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