

挂羊头卖狗肉对应英文:Hang sheep head sell vinegar

挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的惯技。对应英文:Hang sheep head sell vinegar is their old trick.

今天,挂羊头卖狗肉的不是船二十人。对应英文:Today, hang sheep head sell vinegar is not ship 20 people.

而大部分的领导干部,凭借自己手中的权利,干着挂羊头卖狗肉的事情。对应英文:And most of the leading cadres, with the rights of their own hands, doing things hang sheep head sell vinegar.

而大部分的领导干部,凭借自己手中的权利,干着挂羊头卖狗肉的事情。对应英文:And most of the leading cadres, with the rights of their own hands, doing things hang sheep head sell vinegar.

“黄赌毒”一直是警方严厉打击的重点,城阳青威路上一家 电玩城却“挂羊头卖狗肉”经营赌博机。对应英文:"Huang Dudu" is always the key point of the police crackdown, shenyang green wei road, a video game city is "hang sheep head sell vinegar" bandits.

另外一个事实就是,对于美国保守主义而言,种族多样性这种事只不过是挂羊头卖狗肉而已,是自由主义精英强加给他们的。 这是他们的一个重要的基本信念。对应英文:Another fact is that, for the American conservatism, ethnic diversity that just hang sheep head sell vinegar, liberal elite is imposed on them.

更有甚者,挂羊头卖狗肉,毒也。对应英文:What's more, hang sheep head sell vinegar, poison also.

这些“网上医生”挂羊头卖狗肉,看病是假,卖药是真。对应英文:These "on-line doctor" hang sheep head sell vinegar, the doctor is false, selling medicine is true.

市场经济的发展,私有财产的出现,都使社会主义的政治制度说起来假得很,挂羊头卖狗肉!对应英文:The development of market economy, the emergence of private property, make socialist political system is false, hang sheep head sell vinegar!

他们是在挂宪政的羊头,卖一党专政的狗肉。对应英文:They are hanging the constitutional wine and sell dog meat of one-party rule.

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