

家家有本难念的经对应英文:Every family has a book difficult to read
家家有本难念的经   拼音:    解释: 比喻各家有各家的难处与苦衷。

就在于他们对待问题的态度上,是的,家家有本难念的经。对应英文:Is that their attitude towards the problem, yes, every family has a book difficult to read.

中国人常说,家家有本难念的经,其中的复杂性只有家人自己最知晓。对应英文:Chinese people often say, every family has a book difficult to read, with the complexity of the family only know me most.

所谓家家有本难念的经,人虚荣的本性使他们愿把自己风光的一面示人,又有谁能真正看到别人风光的背后呢?对应英文:Every family has a book difficult to read classics, so-called vanity nature so that they may put their own scenery side, and who can really see others scenery behind?

就在于他们对待问题的态度上,是的,家家有本难念的经。对应英文:Is that their attitude towards the problem, yes, every family has a book difficult to read.

中国人常说,家家有本难念的经,其中的复杂性只有家人自己最知晓。对应英文:Chinese people often say, every family has a book difficult to read, with the complexity of the family only know me most.

所谓家家有本难念的经,人虚荣的本性使他们愿把自己风光的一面示人,又有谁能真正看到别人风光的背后呢?对应英文:Every family has a book difficult to read classics, so-called vanity nature so that they may put their own scenery side, and who can really see others scenery behind?

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