

小巫见大巫,拼为xiǎo wū jiàn dà wū,原意是小巫见到大巫,法术无可施展。后比喻相形之下,一个远远比不上另一个。出自汉•陈琳《答张纮书》。

加沙人民对于哈马斯多少是有些愤怒的,但与对以色列、西方和(某些方面认为)与敌人勾结的法塔赫的愤怒相比就有些小巫见大巫了。对应英文:How much the people of gaza for hamas is that some of the anger, but with Israel, the west and certain aspects (think) compared with the rival fatah angry enemies is somewhat dwarfed.

多伦多和蒙特利尔的通勤上班族花在路上的时间可能就不短了,但一项最新调查表明,和其它城市相比,这真是小巫见大巫。对应英文:In Toronto and Montreal commuters spend time on the road may not be short, but a new study shows that compared with other cities, that is dwarfed.

加沙人民对于哈马斯多少是有些愤怒的,但与对以色列、西方和(某些方面认为)与敌人勾结的法塔赫的愤怒相比就有些小巫见大巫了。对应英文:How much the people of gaza for hamas is that some of the anger, but with Israel, the west and certain aspects (think) compared with the rival fatah angry enemies is somewhat dwarfed.

多伦多和蒙特利尔的通勤上班族花在路上的时间可能就不短了,但一项最新调查表明,和其它城市相比,这真是小巫见大巫。对应英文:In Toronto and Montreal commuters spend time on the road may not be short, but a new study shows that compared with other cities, that is dwarfed.

一项指控的罪状涉及的是她们在奥斯威辛集中营行为,但这项指控与其它的指控相比简直是小巫见大巫。对应英文:A charge is in their indictment involved in auschwitz, but compared to the charges and other charges is dwarfed.

这当然是滥用权力,但与“伊朗门”比起来,这只是小巫见大巫。对应英文:The abuse of power, of course, but better than the iran-contra this is dwarfed.

因此,在数学宇宙那浩瀚无边的海洋里,最近几周被信手拈来脱口而出的那些数字简直就是小巫见大巫,微不足道了。对应英文:Therefore, in the sea of mathematics the vast universe, in recent weeks by hand blurt out of the Numbers is dwarfed, trivial.

科学家们已经发现了另外一个地方,地球上的储量和那里比真是小巫见大巫了。对应英文:Scientists have discovered another place, reserves and on earth than there are dwarfed.

相对于新闻网站广大的读者群来说,在线广告的潜在客户数只能是小巫见大巫了。对应英文:Relatively broad readership news website, online advertising on the number of potential customers can only be dwarfed.

但考虑重建工作会持续数年,日本应该可以承担得起,同时相比日本的巨额公共债务,这真是小巫见大巫。对应英文:But considering the reconstruction work will have lasted for years, Japan should be able to afford, compared with Japan's huge public debt at the same time, that is dwarfed.

虽说适应老婆大人的身宽体胖、喜怒无常并非易事,但与为在一家好医院找个床位和寻觅经验丰富的妇产科医生所经历的艰难困苦相比,这实在是小巫见大巫。对应英文:Although to adapt to the wife's adult wide-body fat, moody is not easy, but to find a bed in a good hospital and looking for experienced hardships experienced by obstetricians and gynaecologists, compared to that is dwarfed.

后果是,我们已经踏入了一次大灾难边缘,欧元区的经济崩溃。 届时,2008年的银行崩溃将会是小巫见大巫。对应英文:Consequence is that we have already stepped into the edge of a catastrophe, the eurozone's economic collapse.

自吉米·卡特总统以来,每一位美国领导人都曾在某个时间才去过进口限制措施,与之相比,奥巴马的行为简直是小巫见大巫。对应英文:Since President Jimmy Carter, every American leaders had at one time been to import restrictions, by contrast, Mr Obama's behavior is dwarfed.

尽管这可能看起来很迅速,但与墨西哥湾英国石油公司(BP PLC)灾难性的石油泄漏相比,大连的石油泄漏只是小巫见大巫,清除起来相对简单。对应英文:Although this may seem very quickly, but with the BP gulf of Mexico (BP PLC), compared to the disastrous oil spill in dalian oil spill is dwarfed, it is relatively easy to remove.

俗语小巫见大巫xiǎo wū jiàn dà wū是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/239.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

三国时,有两个同乡好友,一个名叫陈琳在魏国作官;一个叫张级,在东吴作孙权的谋士。两人都很有文学才华,虽然各事其主,但相互仰慕,经常有书信来往,探讨作品。 有一次,张级见了栩榴枕很是喜欢,专门为此作赋。千里之外的 陈琳见到了这篇赋后,赞赏不已。在一次请客宴宾时,特地拿出文章 让在座的宾客传阅,欣赏,嘴里还不断地夸耀说:“这篇文章写得多么脱俗清新呀!你们知道吗,这是我的同乡张级写的呀……” 过了不久,张级也看到了陈琳写的《武库赋》和《应机论》,不由 得击掌叫好,并马上写了一封信结陈琳。信上对陈琳文辞清新、见解 独到的文章风格大加赞赏,并表示要好好地向他学习。 陈琳见信后感慨极了。他在复信时谦虚他说:“我生活在北方, 消息闭塞,与天下的文人学士交往很少,没见过大世面。只是这里能 写文章的人不多,因此我在这儿容易冒尖,得到了大家过分的称赞,并不是我的才学真有那么好。和你们相比,差距实在太大了,就好像 小巫遇见大巫,没法施展巫术了。” 出处裘松之注引《吴书》

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