

海底捞月一场空对应英文:Strive for the impossible

海底捞月 -- 一场空对应英文:Strive for the impossible -- in vain

他还以为自己真中了奖,逢人炫耀,谁知到最后海底捞月 --场空,根本就是骗人的对应英文:He thought he was the prize, people show off, who knows to strive for the impossible -- empty field, is simply a lie

海底捞月--一场空对应英文:Strive for the impossible -- in vain

城隍老爷戴孝---白袍(跑) 海底捞月---一场空 竹篮打水---一场空 肚痛埋怨灶神---空怪 临死打哈欠---枉张嘴 锅子里炒石头---不进油盐 大头蛆拱磨---白费力 黄鼠狼拖猪...对应英文:Chenghuang mourning - white robe (run) strive for the impossible - nothing draw water with a bamboo basket - nothing belly pain complain about Vesta - empty strange dying yawning - crooked mouth pan fried stone - not into the oil and salt big maggot arch grinding - wasted weasel tow pigs...

两边倒)老鼠钻牛角-(已到尽头再无出路 )海底捞月-( 一场空)对应英文:Waver) mouse drill horn - (end with no way to strive for the impossible) - (empty)

答案是望空扑影对应英文:The answer is open look at the shadow

竹篮打水--一场空瞎子打蚊子 - 白费力气瞎子点灯 - 白费蜡(比喻白费力气。或白费心机、不起作用)水底捞月...白忙活·海底捞月 - 白费劲(比喻白费力气,达不到目的)肉包子打...对应英文:Draw water with a bamboo basket -- nothing blind dozen mosquito - in vain man lighting - wasting wax (metaphor in vain. Or in vain, not work) effort in vain... White, strive for the impossible - in vain (metaphor in vain, not up to the purpose of meat dumplings dozen)...

一场空对应英文:In vain

海底捞月-( 一场空)对应英文:Strive for the impossible - (empty)

突然中间的同学猛地转身,来了个"海底捞月"把沙包抓住了。这一次两边的同学改变了"战术"开始"掉包",把沙包...原来啊,昨天晚上下了一场大雪,整个校园银装素裹,一下课,同学...对应英文:Suddenly the middle students suddenly turned, to "strive for the impossible" to seize the sandbags. This time on both sides of the students change "tactical" start "switch", put the bag... Oh, under a heavy snow last night, the entire campus snow, a class, students...


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