

铁杵磨成针对应英文:Iron pestle ground into a needle

当年李白铁杵磨成针,靠的无非是信念。对应英文:The Li Baitie pestle ground into a needle, is nothing more than faith.

铁杵磨成针的故事谁都知道,可轮到自己头上,能否耐得住寂寞往往也是个不小的挑战。对应英文:Iron pestle ground into a needle story who knows, can turn his head, can often endure longliness is also a big challenge.

铁杵能磨成针,但木杵只能磨成牙签,材料不对,再努力也没用。对应英文:Iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but the wooden pestle can grind into toothpicks, material is wrong, try again also useless.

当年李白铁杵磨成针,靠的无非是信念。对应英文:The Li Baitie pestle ground into a needle, is nothing more than faith.

铁杵磨成针的故事谁都知道,可轮到自己头上,能否耐得住寂寞往往也是个不小的挑战。对应英文:Iron pestle ground into a needle story who knows, can turn his head, can often endure longliness is also a big challenge.

铁杵能磨成针,但木杵只能磨成牙签,材料不对,再努力也没用。对应英文:Iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but the wooden pestle can grind into toothpicks, material is wrong, try again also useless.

只要功夫深,铁杵可能磨成针,但刚开始的时候,并不是所有人的身体构造都值得一试。对应英文:As long as kung fu deep, iron pestle can grind into a needle, but in the beginning, not all the body structure is worth a try.

铁杵能磨成“针”,但木杵只能磨成“牙签”,材料不对,再努力也没用。对应英文:Iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but the wooden pestle can grind into "toothpick", the material is wrong, try again also useless.

俗语铁杵磨成针tiě chǔ mó chéng zhēn是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/124.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

【解释】:杵:舂米或捶衣用的棒。将铁棒磨成细针。比喻只要有恒心,肯努力,做任何事情都能成功。【出处】:宋·祝穆《方舆胜览·眉州·磨针溪》:“在象耳山下,世传李太白读书山中,未成弃去,过是溪,逢老媪方磨铁杵,问之,曰:‘欲作针’太白感其意还,卒业。”【近义词】:铁杵成针【语法】:主谓式;作宾语、定语、分句;含褒义宋祝穆《方舆胜览·眉州·磨针溪》:“在象耳山下,世传 李太白读书山中,未成弃去,过是溪,逢老媪方磨铁杵,问之,曰:‘欲作针’太白感其意还,卒业。”后即以“铁杵磨成针”、“铁棒磨成针”比喻只要有恆心,有毅力,做任何事情都能成功。

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