

少不看三国对应英文:Less three

"老不看三国,少不看西游"析辩 儿时即听母亲说过"老不看三国,少不看西游"的话,问"为什么"母亲也不明白。成人后才渐渐有所悟。《三国演义》人物关系错综复杂,历史矛盾...对应英文:"The old do not look at the Three Kingdoms, less swims on the west" of defense childhood is heard her say "old do not look at the Three Kingdoms, less swims on the west", asked "why" mother also don't understand. Adult before gradually to. "The romance of the Three Kingdoms" relationship perplexing, historical contradictions...

少不看水浒,老不看三国,为什么呢因为水浒教人造反,三国教人谋略。""三国演义中,刘备的比较高,明明是个无赖,却有关羽和张飞愿舍命追随,三顾茅庐就收买了诸葛孔明的...对应英文:Less water, the old do not look at the Three Kingdoms, why because Shuihu taught rebellion, three teaching strategies. "The romance of the Three Kingdoms" in, Liu Bei is high, it is a rogue, but Guan Yu and Zhang Feiyuan give his life to follow, to call on sb. repeatedly had bought Zhuge Kongming's...

不适合老年人的修心养性,如此而已,还有一种说法是老不看三国,少不看聊斋,说法基本相同,只是聊斋讲述的是鬼怪精灵,易让孩子们生活在幻想中.对应英文:Not suitable for old people cultivate one's original nature, and that, there is a saying the old do not look at the Three Kingdoms, less strange, is basically the same, but all is about ghosts, easy to let the children live in a world of fantasy

也许当豪杰不杀两个人显得有些没有底气,但是杀人到了如此不看青红皂白之地步,的确让人觉得有不寒而栗之感..."少不读水浒"是中国人的一句俗语。其中重要的涵义便在于冷静...对应英文:Maybe when the hero does not kill two people seemed no confidence, but murder to so don't see the point of wheat and chaff, really makes people feel a shiver all over though not cold feeling... "Don't read Chinese Shuihu" is a common saying. One important implication is that calm...

中国自古有"少不读水浒,老不读三国"之说。 这前句话好懂因为少年血气方刚、易于冲动,而《水浒》呢,又专以...年纪大了就是随心所欲都会不逾规矩,看看三国有什么要紧的...对应英文:Chinese since ancient times "less read marsh, old does not read the Three Kingdoms" say. The first sentence to understand because youth full of sap, easy impulse, and the "Water Margin", is designed to... Older is follow one's inclinations are not more than three rules, have a look what matters...

少不看三国,老不看西游 ,就是说,少年不要学习算计人的事,要与人为善,老年人已经时日不多,怎能看那些鬼神的故事对应英文:Less three, old do not look at the west, that is to say, children don't learn what to calculate a person, for the good of others, the elderly have not much time, how can we see the ghost story

普闻金圣叹先生说过这句话"少不看水浒,老不看三国,为什么呢因为水浒教人造反,三国教人谋略。" 老不看《三国》,少不看《水浒》,前者权谋太重,后者杀气太浓。对应英文:Pu Wen Mr. Jin Shengtan said this sentence "little reading, old do not look at the Three Kingdoms, why because Shuihu taught rebellion, three teaching strategies. "The old do not look at the" Three Kingdoms "," Water Margin "less, the former method is too heavy, the murderous look too strong.

很早的时候就已经有很多种说法了 有些说 少不读水浒 暴力 老不读三国 狡诈 男不读西游 不恋家 女不读红楼 感伤 又有说 少不读西游 乱遐想 老不读三国 狡诈 男不读水浒...对应英文:Early when there have been many versions and some say less read Shuihu violent old does not read the Three Kingdoms cunning men don't read west don't love women don't read a sentimental and say less read west disorderly daydream old don't read the cunning men don't read the water margin...

水浒又是教造反 这还不得闹点是出来 老了看看三过刘备情商太高 老诸智商太高还不气出心脏病 (这问题有人出过了)对应英文:The water margin is taught rebellion which shall also make point out old have a look three Liu Bei EQ too high old the IQ is too high is not out of heart disease (this problem is out too)

三国里面有许多为人处世,机谋,计策,等有益情节,慢慢品尝,回味无穷。而西游则是梦幻,稀奇,年轻人喜欢!对应英文:There are many people in the Three Kingdoms, stratagem, stratagem, the plot, taste slowly, lead a person to endless aftertastes. While the west is fantastic, wonderful, young people like!


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