

耳闻不如眼见对应英文:Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others

耳闻明主提三尺, 听说有道的明主都提着三尺剑 眼见愚民盗一抔。眼见着愚昧的草民去偷一抔米 千载腐儒骑瘦马,千百年来迂腐的书儒门都骑着瘦马 渭城斜月重回头。谓城外...对应英文:The LORD heard three feet, I heard the LORD he was carrying the three feet Jian seeing they steal a grave. Seeing a foolish man to steal a POU m Millennium pedants are riding horses, for thousands of years ancient books of Confucianism door all ride horses Weicheng ramp on heavy back. That the city...

意思就是宁可信眼见的,而不相信听闻到的。意为眼见为实,耳听为虚。 给我们的启示就是不要轻信别人的吹嘘,而要实地考察,本着实事求是的态度,亲自见到。亲身力行了。...对应英文:It is rather to believe things, but don't believe hear. For seeing is believing, ears. Enlightenment is not credulous boast, but to the on-the-spot investigation, the spirit of seek truth from facts attitude, see. Personal power. ...

这四大都是因缘和合成的,不是实有的,所以说都是空。眼见耳闻鼻溴舌尝身受也非实有佛家说的五种对外境的认知。即,"眼耳鼻舌身"对"色声香味触"的认知。这五种认知,不是...对应英文:The four most is karma and synthesis, not real, so are empty. Seen and heard of bromine tasted was also non real have five kinds of external environment Buddhism's cognition. That is, "the eye ear nose and tongue body" cognition of "senses". These five kinds of cognition, not the...

耳闻明主提三尺, 听说有道的明主都提着三尺剑眼见愚民盗一抔。眼见着愚昧的草民去偷一抔米千载腐儒骑瘦马,千百年来迂腐的书儒门都骑着瘦马渭城斜月重回头。谓城外,...对应英文:The LORD heard three feet, I heard the LORD he was carrying the three feet Jian seeing they steal a grave. Seeing a foolish man to steal a POU m Millennium pedants are riding horses, for thousands of years ancient books of Confucianism door all ride horses Weicheng ramp on heavy back. That the city,...

.唐彦谦的《过长陵》"耳闻明主提三尺,眼见愚民盗一杯。于古腐儒骑瘦马,灞陵残日重回头。" 第一句是说由历史得知,凡是开国的君主帝王,大都以武功而得天下。第二句典...对应英文:Tang Yanqian "had" heard "Ming Changling main three feet, seeing they steal a cup. In the ancient pedants are riding horses, baling heavy back the remains of the day. "The first sentence is said by the history, all the founding emperor, mostly in the world of martial arts. The second sentence dictionary...

也就是我们通常所说的'耳闻不如眼见,眼见不如亲身体验'",这属于(  )。 .组织规范法 .宣传 .说服 .职工参与法参考答案 您的答案 -----------------------...对应英文:Which is what we usually say 'nothing is better than seeing, seeing the experience' ", which belongs to the (). . organizational norms method. The publicity. To convince workers involved in the method. Reference answer your answer and...

事不目见耳闻而臆断其有无"的【目】眼睛 事不目见耳闻而臆断其有无【事情不经过自己眼见耳闻,却凭主观想象来推断它的有无,这能行吗对应英文:Do not assume from this green earth and it has no "[mu] eyes not from this green earth and assume it has no [not through their own things seen and heard, but on subjective imagination to deduce which have no, this can do it

肿鼻肿眼青别具只眼愁眉锁眼吹胡子瞪眼大处着眼大开眼界低眉顺眼丢人现眼独具只眼耳闻眼见凡夫肉眼凡胎肉...八方耳听心受耳闻不如目见耳闻目睹耳闻目染耳闻眼见耳闻则诵...对应英文:Swollen nasal swollen eye green knit one's brows in despair have an original view be angry and fierce pay attention to important points make a fool of oneself be able to see what others cannot feed one's sight on obedient ears when a shortsighted and good-for-nothing person meat... The eight party Ertingxinshou heard from this green earth attempts as head ears with good memory...

目眩神摇 目语额瞬 目注心凝 目定口呆 目无尊长 目使颐令 目见耳闻 目断魂销 目空余子 目不苟视 目治手营...耳闻目击 耳后风生 耳闻则诵 耳闻眼见 包含"鼻"的成语 鼻孔...对应英文:Muyueshun dazzled Muzhuxinning show no respect to elders and superiors in shock Mushiyiling from this green earth Muduanhunxiao Mesora Yoko Mubugoushi Muzhishouying... That which one sees and hears the ear in the ears with good memory contains "nose" idiom...

他说"我是个盲人,看不见,只靠耳朵来了解外部世界。耳闻要比眼见的东西少多了,所以容易被问倒。"话虽这么说,师旷也确实领教了太子晋的厉害。 太子晋不但对来较量的使...对应英文:He said: "I am blind, invisible, only by ear to the outside world. Hear much less than seeing things, so it was easy to ask. "That said, he has learned the prince Jin. The crown prince Jin not only to contest...


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