

急来报佛脚对应英文:Anxious to cramming


最近年真题 把它做懒 每天学习个小时英语 如果楼主能从现在开始 每天学习英语到(凌晨)的话, 还是很有希望过的。对应英文:In recent years Zhenti do it lazy learning day by day to an hour English if you can start learning English every day to (at) words, still has hope.

这正是"临时抱佛脚"的意思。千万不要说" ",要知道即使佛教徒( )也没有这个习惯。例句 .她为应付历...对应英文:This is the "cramming". Don't say "", to know that even Buddhists () do not have this habit. She had to cope with the calendar...

事到临头才紧张的意思对应英文:At the last moment was nervous

临急抱佛脚,你急佛不急 上句是听说的,下句自己编的对应英文:Cramming your hurry, Buddha not urgent sentence is heard, I own

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

第一个,我觉得您需要记下方程式,因为无论从什么方面来说,题目都是建立在方程式上面的。 第二个,您需要几倍以下化学的重要的实验过程,因为实验题往往也会占很多的分数...对应英文:First, I think you need to write down the equations, because no matter from what respect, the topic is based on the equation above. Second, you need to experiment process several times the following chemical, because the problem is often accounted for a lot of fraction...

最后两周的话你就不要看别的了 不要在想着做题了这时已经没有什么用了 你要做的是把要考的文化课的概念弄明白 最后两周你只需要看书 不用干别的了 把课本上的东西弄明...对应英文:The last two weeks if you don't see something else don't think of doing this is not what you used to do is put to test the class culture concept get the last two weeks you only need to read a book need not stem don't put things on textbooks Nong ming...

肯定有用阿,不过你现在脑子不能乱,不要急,现在全复习肯定是不可能的了,所以你要冷静,拣些重点来复习,平时做错的题看一遍,你成绩不错,基础比较好,所以这样应该没有什么...对应英文:Certainly useful, but now you mind can't, don't worry, now a full review is certainly impossible, so you need to calm down, pick up the key to review, look again usually do wrong topic, your grades are good, relatively good foundation, so there should be no what...

英语考试前,再大量做阅读理解基本没有意义。 考试前可以准备项 ,是单词,可以一般都有什么背过字典,随手翻翻,看到难的单词就在记一下。 ,背作文,收集一些非常好的作...对应英文:The English exam, and then do a lot of reading comprehension has no meaning. Can prepare, before the test is the word, can have what back dictionary, and then, to see the difficult words in the note. The composition, back, collecting some very good work...


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