

前波未灭后波生对应英文:Before the wave destroyed after induced

诗的前两句写流水淘沙一刻也不停,风起浪涌,前浪未息后浪又生,形象地描绘出事物运动不息的客观规律。这使诗人忽然回忆起昔日贬谪朗州,漫步潇湘洲头的往事,禁不住和着屈...对应英文:The first two lines of poetry writing water Sentosa stop a moment, gigantic and vigorous, so not waves again, vividly depict the objective law of the movement of things not rest. This makes the poet suddenly recall past 's demotion, Xiaoxiang Chau Tau walk past, couldn't help and qu...

"等同佛陀于涅盘经"诸法无常 是生灭法 生灭灭已 寂灭为乐"行者于不可知测的时空常受无明之苦,皆因诸法无常故,无法实受生灭变化所生之境遇,若行者得以圆灭己妄之执...对应英文:"As the Buddha in Nirvana Sutra" all things is death by birth and death to eliminate dead space for music has "traveler to unknown test often by no pain, because the method is so real, not by the circumstances of birth and death changes arising, if the traveler to round out has false...

不会的,就像狗能听道的声音而我们不能听到一个样的,那只是蚊子可以听见的声音,那不是辐射,不会对人体有什么伤害的,放心用吧!对应英文:No, just as dogs can hear voices and we cannot hear a kind, it is just a mosquito can hear, that is not the radiation, does not have what harm to human body, rest assured that use!

剑客 招式 等级 名声 历炼 威力 碧波潮生 剑侠 劲风魅舞 剑侠 皓月当空 剑侠 雷霆霹雳 至圣剑 雷霆残影 至圣剑 ...对应英文:The swordsman moves grade reputation Lilian power blue tide combined wind demon dance Jianxia Haoyuedangkong swordsman thunder and lightening thunder ghost Zhi Shengjian Zhi Shengjian...

大概的意思是 繁华的尘世最终抵不过大浪淘沙,多少曾经的豪门爵爷最后不过遁入空门 人就像弄潮客一样在生活的苦海中挣扎,只看到秋风中无边无际的滩涂和那荡荡山崖 这...对应英文:It is the bustling world eventually arrived but the mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore, many have rich Ferguson but follow Buddhism like leading the guest like living in struggling with Oliver, only to see the boundless beach and the empty cliff this...

能致死老鼠的不是超声波灭鼠器那叫智能灭鼠机器人。所谓超声波灭鼠器是骗人的玩意儿我也试过,一点用都没有。所谓智能灭鼠机器人是利用人鼠红外线分辨系统,遥控...对应英文:Can kill mice not ultrasonic deratization device called intelligent control of robot. The so-called ultrasonic mouse trap is a gimmick I have tried, do not use. The so-called intelligent control robot is resolved through the infrared remote control rats...

灭天火, 消灭游戏中,魔龙教主有一定机率可以获得气波功,无极真气, 可以通过活动、开启天赐、挑战魔龙教主或者等方式一定机率获得狮子吼 通过闯天关、焰火屠...对应英文:Destroy Skyfire, destroy the game, dragon, have a certain probability to get gas wave power, no energy, can through the activities, opening a challenge, Tarrasque leader or certain probability of obtaining lion’s roar by Chuang days off, fireworks tu...

如果效果好,国家早就推广了,商店里也就有了。 所以请你不要相信这些东西。包括电视上,网络上大力推销,而商店里没有的东西。 商店里的东西不一定全是真的,但是还有源可...对应英文:If the effect is good, the state had the promotion, the store will have a. So please don't believe these things. Including television, the network to promote, and the stores don't have. The store is not always true, but there are source...

龙王破碎阵 龙爪闪空破 龙王波 龙之意志对应英文:The Dragon King broken array matsudana flash will empty broken Long Wangbo Dragon

波头弥波 头弥提婢 奚尼奚尼 奚弥诸梨 诸罗诸丽 侯罗侯罗 由丽由罗 由丽波罗波丽闻 制嗔迭 频迭般逝末迭迟那迦梨 苏波诃对应英文:Wave wave head lifting and head Mi Mi Xi Xi, Xi Mi, the Li Zhu Luo Zhu Li Hou Rahula by Li Youluo Boli Wen of Chen Libo Luo by Diego Diego Diego later died at the end of a frequency that the pear Su Bohe


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