

丑人多做怪对应英文:The ugly people do strange

就是说有的人明明自己长得很普通却总是弄些不论不类的装扮或说别人什么的 像这女孩也差不多可以说她是丑人多做怪了对应英文:That is obviously some people to be very common but always get some whether or not the class dress up or what others like this girl is almost can be said that she was ugly people do strange

以此赋予人生以意义,否则人为什么要活着呢丑人也需要,但是大家对丑人是有偏见与厌烦的,这样一来丑人就通过搞怪来吸引大家的注意,不论大家对他的评价如何毕竟受到关注...对应英文:In order to give life meaning, otherwise why people alive ugly people need, but everybody is biased and boredom of ugly, so ugly the funny to attract people's attention, regardless of all of his evaluation to all concerned...

是俗语,又叫谚语。对应英文:Was saying, also called the proverb.

只是个典故,又也是后人衍生的 "丑人多作怪"这个说法的典故是东施效颦 春秋时代,越国有一位美女名叫西施。她的美貌简直到了倾国倾城的程度。无论是她的举手、投足,...对应英文:Just a story, but also future generations derived "ugly people more time" that allusion is hollow in the spring and Autumn period, the country has a beautiful woman named Xi Shi. Her beauty was the beauty degree. Both her hands, cast,...

后人称这个丑女为东施。用"东施效颦"比喻盲目模仿别人,结果适得其反. 因为人长丑,还特意去做一些事,别人就是觉得恶心,美女做一样动作就会觉得 是可爱 .对应英文:Later referred to this ugly for her. "Copycat" metaphor blindly imitate others, results run counter to one's desire. Because people long ugly, also specially to do something, someone is sick, beauty to do the same action will feel is lovely

是因为长的漂亮的做什么事,装可爱你会觉得像天使,即使是装的,做怪样你也会觉得可爱。但是丑的人做什么都会显得比较奇怪啦。。。不管他做的对或者不对。我说的是现实...对应英文:Because of the long beautiful do what thing, cute you will feel like an angel, even if it is installed, do it you will find the lovely. But what ugly people do seem rather strange... Whatever he did right or wrong. The reality is that I said...

本来是指长相丑陋的人还画蛇添足,喜欢表现自己,有点类似东施效颦,现在不仅仅 指外表了对应英文:It refers to the ugly man is superfluous, like himself, somewhat similar to try, it not only refers to the appearance

这是人心里的问题 我国在故意来 人们都是以美为圣洁 所以认为不好看的人他的心灵也不纯洁 希望给点分啊 求求了 我是新手啊对应英文:This is the heart of the problem of our country in deliberately to people taking beauty as holy and so it is not good-looking man and his soul is not pure hope to the point, please I am a novice ah

疽,其特点为初起疮头如粟,根盘散漫,不甚高肿,色不红活,疼痛稍轻,数天后疮头甚多,上有脓点,形如莲蓬,双人称莲蓬发,或称蜂离疽。疮头脓稠难溃,按之流血,至八九日,溃头成...对应英文:Carbuncle, characterized by early sore head such as millet, root disk lax, not very high swelling, color is not red, the pain a little light, a few days later sore head very much, have pus, shaped like a lotus, lotus double said, or bee from carbuncle. Sore head pus thick hard to break, in the blood, to eight or nine, crushing head...

为什么说"丑人多作怪" 这个说法是有典故的东施效颦 春秋时代,越国有一位美女名叫西施。她的美貌简直到了倾国倾城的程度。无论是她的举手、投足,还是她的音容笑貌,样样...对应英文:Why to say the phrase "ugly people more time" is a story of the hollow in the spring and Autumn period, the country has a beautiful woman named Xi Shi. Her beauty was the beauty degree. Both her hands, her gestures, or one's voice and expression, everything...


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