

家贫知孝子对应英文:Ya Chitakako

原话是"家贫知孝子,国乱识忠臣"。 意思是在家庭贫困的时候,才能发现真正的孝子,在国家危难的时候,才能识别真正的忠臣。对应英文:He said "know filial, country general loyal". It is when the family poverty, to discover the true filial son, when the national crisis, loyal to identify the real.

家贫知孝子,国乱识忠臣对应英文:Ya Chitakako, our general loyal

家贫出孝子,国难显忠臣 风疾知劲草,火烈炼真金对应英文:He was a filial son, go go the wind know Supergrass, fire proves gold

家贫知孝子, 国乱识忠臣 忠臣不怕死,怕死不忠臣。从前多少事,过去一场空。 满怀心腹事,尽在不言中。既在屋檐下,怎敢不低头。家贫知孝子, 国乱识忠臣。凡是登途者,都是...对应英文:Ya Chitakako, Shi Zhongchen's loyal chaos is not afraid of death, do not fear death loyal. Once the number of things, the past. Full of confidential thing, no words. Not only under the eaves, dare do not bow. Ya Chitakako, our general loyal. All board the way, are...

家贫知孝子, 国乱识忠臣忠臣不怕死,怕死不忠臣。从前多少事,过去一场空。 满怀心腹事,尽在不言中。既在屋檐下,怎敢不低头。家贫知孝子, 国乱识忠臣。凡是登途者,都是...对应英文:Ya Chitakako, Kuniran Kitadachenchunchen is not afraid of death, do not fear death loyal. Once the number of things, the past. Full of confidential thing, no words. Not only under the eaves, dare do not bow. Ya Chitakako, our general loyal. All board the way, are...

家贫知孝子,国乱识忠臣 在家庭贫困的时候,才能发现真正的孝子,在国家危难的时候,才能识别真正的忠臣。出自《名贤集》。对应英文:Ya Chitakako, our general loyal chaos when poor families, to discover the true filial son, when the national crisis, loyal to identify the real. From the "wise".

家贫知孝子,国乱识忠臣。 意思是在家庭贫困的时候,才能发现真正的孝子,在国家危难的时候,才能识别真正的忠臣。出自《名贤集》。 -------------------------------------...对应英文:Ya Chitakako, our general loyal. It is when the family poverty, to discover the true filial son, when the national crisis, loyal to identify the real. From the "wise". Similiarly...

"语出《老子》"家贫出孝子,国难显忠臣。" 《增广贤文》对应英文:"The phrase" me "" gupin a filial son, there was a loyal. "Kind" augmented "

家贫方能出孝子,鸟兽尚知哺乳恩 谦让尊敬情意长,天伦之乐喜融融 父子原是骨肉亲,爹娘不敬敬何人 为人当数孔让梨,桃园结义刘关张 养育之恩不图报,望子成龙白费心...对应英文:He can be a filial son, and is still known to lactation en humility respect affective long, the happiness of a family union like father and son is dear and osteosarcoma, parents disrespect to anyone when the number of holes to let the pear, be sworn brothers Liu closure of ex rearing not to work, see...

意思是好饭先给父母吃,好衣先给父母穿。出自《劝报亲恩篇》。家贫知孝子,国乱识忠臣。意思是在家庭贫困的时候,才能发现真正的孝子,在国家危难的时候,才能识别真正的...对应英文:It is a good meal to eat good parents, let parents wear clothes. From "persuade newspaper article" dear grace. Ya Chitakako, our general loyal. It is when the family poverty, to discover the true filial son, when the national crisis, to identify the real...


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