

上气不接下气对应英文:All out of breath

上气不接下气地笑。对应英文:Breathless laugh.

他爬上最后一小段路,上气不接下气的走到她身旁。对应英文:He climbed up the last, a short of breath go to her side.

其实,我们也不经常步行——我们更喜欢在上坡时赛跑,然后上气不接下气。对应英文:Actually, we don't always walk - we prefer in uphill RACES, and then was out of breath.

爬了十层楼,他已上气不接下气了。对应英文:He climbed ten floors, he was out of breath.

如果你一直等到在房子周围走走,也已经是上气不接下气才开始冶疗,你可以做的事情就少了很多。对应英文:If you wait until around the house for a walk, also is already out of breath to heal, you can do a lot less.

乔纳斯笑了出来,想起亚舍冲进教室的那个早上,一如往常的他又迟到了, 他在晨颂的赞美诗唱到一半时上气不接下气的抵达教室。对应英文:Jonas laughed out, think of asa rushed into the classroom that morning, he was late again as usual, his praise in the morning hymn singing in the middle of breath arrived in the classroom.

当她捡起钥匙,那两个小阿飞正上气不接下气地站在她前面。对应英文:When she picked up the key, the two punks are all out of breath and stood in front of her.

木星有药用的品质,并能帮助你变换在冥王星的方式,会让你上气不接下气。对应英文:Jupiter has medicinal qualities, and can help you transform in Pluto's way, will let you out of breath.

其实,我们也不经常步行——我们更喜欢在上坡时赛跑,然后上气不接下气。对应英文:Actually, we don't always walk - we prefer in uphill RACES, and then was out of breath.

“我是从呼啸山庄一路跑到这儿的,”她上气不接下气说道。对应英文:"I came all the way from wuthering heights to here," she said out of breath.

甚至,当他们发现自己在爬了一段楼梯后上气不接下气,对此他们也视而不见,不愿意听从“身体操作指南”的意见。对应英文:Even when they find themselves after climbing a flight of stairs was out of breath, they also turn a blind eye to this, is not willing to listen to the views of the operational guidelines for school official cites use of body.

就在我累得气喘吁吁、上气不接下气的时候,前面的高坡上,忽然滚下来一颗红苹果。对应英文:As I tired panting, out of breath, the hillside in front of, suddenly rolled down a red apple.

我上气不接下气地赶到学校,敲了敲教师办公室的门,从门上的玻璃往里面窥探。对应英文:I was out of breath to get to school, knocked to knock the door of the teacher's office, from the glass in the door.

上气不接下气的莎拉回到了大本营,告知团队她刚刚的经历,被一个高个的黑人尾随。对应英文:Breath Sara returns to the warehouse and inform team she just experience, was a tall black follows.

很难找到的是那些让孩子同时笑得上气不接下气的趣事:那种震惊和喜悦的美妙组合。对应英文:It is difficult to find that lets the child at the same time fun to laugh out of breath, the wonderful combination of shock and joy.

没有多久,我听见门闩响,凯瑟琳飞奔上楼,上气不接下气,心慌意乱,兴奋得不知该怎么表现她的欢喜了:的确,只消看她的脸,你反而要猜疑将有什么大难临头似的。对应英文:Not how long, I heard the latch ring, Catherine flew upstairs, out of breath, confusion, don't know how to show her joy and excitement: indeed, just look at her face, and your suspicions will have what should have been a disaster.

她上气不接下气,腿部作痛,心砰砰直跳。对应英文:She was out of breath, her legs ached and her heart pounded.

到了邮局,我冲到柜台,上气不接下气地向职员解释说我的信必须马上寄出。对应英文:In the post office, I rushed to the counter and breathlessly explained to employees on said my letter must be sent out immediately.

如果你不练习就去参加比赛,你会很快上气不接下气而不得不停下来走,或者更严重的你也许为受伤。对应英文:If you don't practice went to take part in the game, you will soon out of breath and had to stop to go, or you may be the toast of more serious injury.

我喘息着说,因为走得快,又太惊慌,使我上气不接下气。对应英文:I wheezing, because go too fast, too scared, I was out of breath.

当朋友们轻松登山的时候,你远远地落在后面,上气不接下气或者干脆放弃。对应英文:When friends easily mountaineering, you left far behind, out of breath or simply give up.

林惇夫人向前探身,上气不接下气地倾听着。对应英文:Mrs Linton leaning forward, to listen to the breath.

视频游戏网站Digital Trend的作者Scott Steinberg说:“它设计时就是要在‘跑动和射击’的简单游戏过程中让玩家体会到看电影般上气不接下气的紧张体验。”对应英文:Video game website Digital Trend of the author Scott Steinberg said: "it is to design in the process of 'running and shooting simple game for players to experience the movies in the breath of nervous experience."

她在接受当地媒体采访时说:“姑娘们都跑得上气不接下气的。”对应英文:She told local media in an interview: "the girls ran out of breath."

其中一位客人拿着早报“上气不接下气地跑过来”,Franklin在给儿子的信里写道,“普鲁士国王向我国发布了一个公告!”对应英文:One of the guests with the morning paper "ran out of breath", Franklin wrote in a letter to his son, "the king of Prussia made an announcement to our country!"

文崔斯每走一步都要挣扎,但是他更强壮,她的动作只是让自己更加上气不接下气。对应英文:Text areas each step to struggle, but he is more strong, she just let oneself more out of breath.

有些逃兵在上气不接下气时停下来,在黑暗中远远听着那惨淡的枪声在渐渐减少。对应英文:Some deserters during breath stopped, in the dark listening to the far dismal gunfire in gradually reduce.

她不敢再说什么,慌忙退却,逃到自己家门口时已经上气不接下气了。那人的眼神中有一种让她害怕的东西。对应英文:She dare not say what, hurriedly retreat, fled to his home already out of breath.

一回到家,便上气不接下气地告诉他妈妈那堆小猫咪里有两只是男孩的,两只是女孩的。对应英文:Got home, he was out of breath to tell his mother that pile of kittens have two is boy, two girl only.

风间欣吾说这句话的时候,显得有点上气不接下气。对应英文:Between the wind sing when I say this words, seem a bit out of breath.

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