

身正不怕影斜对应英文:The body is not afraid of Shadows

很多时候人家是看不到你的"身"而只看到你的"影"的,这就是广告的内涵,说一百遍稻草是黄金,多数人会信。你看某些广告,不是吗 "欲治之罪,何患无词"对应英文:Many people when they can't see your "body" and see only the "shadow", this is the advertising content, say one hundred times the straw is gold, most people will believe. You see some advertising, isn't it "to cure the crime, he had no words"

身正不怕影斜, (脚正不怕鞋歪)对应英文:The body is not afraid of shadows, (shoes foot is not afraid of shape)

脚正不怕鞋歪,身正不怕影斜 身正不怕影斜,明人不作暗事对应英文:Shoes foot is not afraid of shape, body is not afraid of shadows body is not afraid of shadows, an honest person will do nothing underhand

脚正不怕影子歪对应英文:The foot is not afraid of a crooked shadow

该句话并不处于古诗范畴,充其量算是一句俗语。对应英文:The word is not in the poetry category, at best, is a proverb.

谚语 身正不怕影斜,脚正不怕鞋歪对应英文:Proverbs body is not afraid of shadows, shoes foot is not afraid of

以前也许有做错过许多的错事,既然能迷途知返你有何必再追究过去的往事。正所谓身正也怕影子歪,知人知面人心难测,怕的是一错再错自欺欺人。对应英文:Maybe before do miss many things wrong, you can stop you have why to pursue the past. What is called the body is also afraid to shadow askew, but A man's mind is unpredictable., afraid is again deceive oneself and others.

身正不怕影斜, 脚正不怕鞋歪。对应英文:The body is not afraid of shadows, shoes foot is not afraid of.

你的意思是要英翻英这句中文是否可以译成一个糟糕的例子是一只健康的脚可以解决一只不完美的鞋 能力有限不太能够理解意思 . , ...对应英文:You mean to translate this sentence in English Chinese whether can be translated into a bad example is a healthy foot can solve a not perfect shoes limited capacity can't understand it,...

酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 嘴上无毛,办事不牢 萝卜青菜,各有所爱 只可意会,不可言传对应英文:The wine meets friend thousand cup of few mistime one's remarks, half a sentence is too much mouth glabrous, undependable turnip green vegetables, each love somewhat only to be sensed, not explained


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