

柳树上着刀对应英文:The willow tree with a knife

不要放还会加重,用少量明矾粉未放在鞋里对应英文:Do not put also increased, with a small amount of alum powder did not put in the shoes

告诉大家一个特效治疗脚气的偏方,一分不用花,三、四天治好,让外国人惊叹吧!主治脚气处方柳树叶克用法鲜柳树叶用刀剁碎,早上放在袜子里,每天放一次,当天见效,四天...对应英文:Tell you a specific treatment for beriberi recipe, one does not need to spend three or four days, good, let foreigners! Treating beriberi prescription willow leaves grams usage of fresh willow leaves chopped with a knife, the morning in stockings, once every four days, effective the same day...

花明柳媚 花街柳陌 柳絮才高 柳腰莲脸 柳烟花雾 颜筋柳骨 傍花随柳 颜精柳骨 桃蹊柳曲 柳莺花燕 柳树上着刀,桑树上出血 柳绿桃红 分花拂柳 分花约柳 柳亸莺娇 眠花宿...对应英文:Joyful Spring Scene Huajieliumo Liuxucaigao Liuyaolianlian Liuyanhuawu great calligraphy go for a joyful spring outing Yanjingliugu Taoxiliuqu Liuyinghuayan willow knife, mulberry walk in an elegant way Fenhuayueliu Liuduoyingjiao bleeding charactizing a fine spring day Mian Hua su...

立地成佛风刀霜剑割鸡焉用牛刀弓折刀尽火海刀山剑树刀山借刀杀人快刀斩乱麻利傍倚刀两面三刀柳树上着刀,桑树上出血磨刀霍霍牛刀割鸡磨刀不误砍柴工牛刀小试驽马铅刀倩...对应英文:Become a Buddha immediately and why use an ox cleaver a chicken bubbling with noise most dangerous places extreme penalty murder a person with a borrowed knife cut disorderly deft sits near the knife play a double game willow knife, mulberry great talent used in petty things bleeding sharpen one's knife sharpening will not delay your job a master hand's first small display Numaqiandao qian...

锥刀之利 心如刀锉 拿刀弄杖 快刀斩乱丝 短刀直入 刀俎余生 柳树上着刀,桑树上出 真刀真枪 一刀两段 心如刀锉 心如刀锯 心如刀搅 舞刀跃马 收刀检卦 鞘里藏刀 枪声刀...对应英文:Zhuidaozhili Xinrudaocuo knife to make the rod Gordian floss Duandaozhiru Daozuyusheng willow knife, be cut off at a single blow out the real thing in mulberry Xinrudaocuo Xinrudaoju heart Rudao stirred Wudaoyuema Shoudaojiangua Qiaolicangdao gun knife...

杨柳活,抽陀螺杨柳青,放风筝杨柳死,踢毽子。 柳树出身,立场不稳。 柳树上着刀,桑树上出血。 开春的柳絮,满天飞。对应英文:Willow live, Yangliuqing Kite Festival, willow dies, kicking shuttlecock. Willow was born, unstable position. The willow knife, mulberry hemorrhage. The spring catkins, exist everywhere.

到快要上阵打仗时才磨刀磨枪。 * 柳树上着刀,桑树上出血 比喻代人受过。 * 路见不平,拔刀相助 在路上遇见欺负人的事情,就挺身而出帮助受害的一方。旧时为人们所称道的...对应英文:To grind to near for battle when the guns. * the willow knife, mulberry analogy to suffer for the faults of another bleeding. * at the sight of injustice, draw a sword and render help meet the bully thing on the road, will step forward bravely to help the victim. The old road for people...

柳树为阴 不宜种在家宅中 和门旁 但柳树可化解刀煞 射尖煞 经典案例就是 香港恒丰银行 风水布局做了四把刀 有一把冲向港府 港府就在门前种六棵柳树 破解的对应英文:Willow is Yin is not suitable for in the home and the door but willow can resolve the knife evil spirit shoot tip very classic case is the Hongkong Hengfeng bank Feng Shui layout four knives have a rush to the government in front of six willow crack

柳树上着刀,桑树上出血〗 .释语 比喻代人受过。.类型 俗语对应英文:The willow knife, mulberry hemorrhage. Release metaphor suffer for the faults of another language. The type of slang

比喻贪利常得祸。 两面三刀 比喻耍两面派手法,当面一套,背后一套。 柳树上着刀,桑树上出血 比喻代人受过。 磨刀霍霍 现多形容敌人在行动前频繁活动。 牛刀割鸡 杀只鸡...对应英文:Greed often metaphor. Play a double game metaphor play a double game, to set, behind a set. The willow knife, mulberry analogy to suffer for the faults of another bleeding. We describe the enemy sharpen one's knife before action frequent activities. Great talent used in petty things kill chickens...


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