

将相头上堪走马对应英文:The head can zouma

此联讲的是度(肚)量大,自然是"猪"了。对应英文:This copy is about degree (belly) in large quantity, nature is the "pig".

未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。 将相胸前堪走马,公候肚里好撑船。 富人思来年,穷人思眼前。 世上若要人情好,赊去物件莫取钱。 击石原有火,不击乃无烟。 为学始知道,不学亦...对应英文:Not too late to lodge, at early days. The chest can zouma, Gong Hou you good punt. The rich think next year, the poor ideological front. World to human good, credit to the object not to take the money. The original fire struck the rock, but not on smokeless. For the beginning know, don't also...

笑人。为人莫作亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。当时若不登高望,谁知东流海样深。两人一条心,有钱堪买金一人一条心,无钱难买针。莺花犹怕春光老,岂可教人枉度春。红粉佳人休...对应英文:People laugh. For people not things, you need not fear a knock on the door at night. At that time, if not put Gao Wang, who knows the East Ocean deep. Two people of one mind, the money can buy gold on, no money to buy a needle. Yinghua still afraid of the old spring, will teach people to be spring. Pink Lady hugh...

世间好语书说尽,天下名山僧占多 世界上的好话让各种书籍都说尽了,天下有名的山多数都让僧侣占去了。《增广贤文》里的解释对应英文:The world book clubs, the world famous mountains of the Sangha. Many of the world's let all kinds of books are exhausted, famous mountain most world allows monks took. "Kind" augmented an explanation

未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。将相顶头堪走马,公侯肚里好撑船。富人思来年,贫人思眼前。世上若要人情好,赊去物...公道世间惟白发,贵人头上不曾饶。有钱堪出众,无衣懒出门。...对应英文:Not too late to lodge, at early days. The plug can zouma, Gong Hou has good punt. The rich think of next year, the poor man si eyes. World to human good, credit to the world... Just only white hair, noble head had not rao. Rich as well, no clothing lazy to go out. ...

双木桥好走,独木桥难行 将相头顶堪走马,公侯肚里能撑船 九曲桥上扛竹竿 难转弯转不过弯来 九曲桥上散步 走弯路拐弯抹角 九曲桥上拖毛竹 拐弯抹角难过 枯木搭桥 存...对应英文:Double bridge walk, single plank bridge to the head can zouma, Gong Hou goes to punt on the zigzag bridge carrying a pole to turn but to turn to zigzag bridge walk detours equivocate Jiuqu Qiao drag bamboo equivocate sad dead wood bypass...

将相头顶堪走马,公侯肚里好撑船。 贫不卖书留子读,老犹栽竹与人看。 不作风波于世上,但留清白在人间。 勿因群疑而阻独见,勿任己意而废人言。 路逢险处,为人辟一步周...对应英文:The head can zouma, Gong Hou you good punt. The poor do not sell books with reading, the Jew planted bamboo and people. Don't make waves in the world, but stay clean in the world. Not because the group suspected resistance alone see, do not let it rather useless words. The road meets the danger, as people turned a week...

家对国,治对安,鱼雷对导弹。冲锋对陷阵,懦弱对勇敢。将相胸前堪走马,公候肚里好撑船。 肥对瘦,窄对宽,耳听对目看。聊斋对水浒,对应英文:Home to the country, treatment of ANN, torpedo missile. The charge to break, the brave cowardice. The chest can zouma, Gong Hou you good punt. Fertilizer on the thin, narrow to wide, ear to listen to the eyes see. All of the water margin,

未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。 将相胸前堪走马,公候肚里好撑船。 富人思来年,穷人思眼前。 世上若要人情好,赊去物件莫取钱。 死生有命,富贵在天。 击石原有火,不击乃无烟...对应英文:Not too late to lodge, at early days. The chest can zouma, Gong Hou you good punt. The rich think next year, the poor ideological front. World to human good, credit to the object not to take the money. Dying is as natural as living. The original fire struck the rock, but not on smokeless...

家对国,治对安,鱼雷对导弹。冲锋对陷阵,懦弱对勇敢。将相胸前堪走马,公候肚里好撑船。 肥对瘦,窄对宽,耳听对目看。聊斋对水浒,华佗对鲁班。良言一句三对应英文:Home to the country, treatment of ANN, torpedo missile. The charge to break, the brave cowardice. The chest can zouma, Gong Hou you good punt. Fertilizer on the thin, narrow to wide, ear to listen to the eyes see. All of the water margin, Hua Tuo to Luban. One kind word three


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