

上场当念下场时对应英文:When read the play off

字面意思是上场得意的时候要记得在场下失意的时候,不要得意忘形,要恪守本分。对应的句子是盛时常作衰时想。对应英文:Literal meaning is playing day to remember not to get dizzy with success, the presence of frustrated, be dutiful. The corresponding sentence flower is often decline to.

上场当念下场时 四、家盛由俭 家败由奢 五、不求富贵门第 愿为耕读人家 六、功名利禄不可恃 勤俭和睦犹可追 七、有福不可尽享 有势不可尽使 八、奉亲宜敬 治家贵严 九...对应英文:Play when read off four, Sheng Youjian home defeat by the extravagance of five, but not rich family is willing to farming family in six, high official positions and riches can not depend on diligence and survives seven, blessed not enjoy the potential can not do so in eight, dear Yi Jing Yan nine in your...

、处世戒多言,言多必失。、施惠勿念,受恩莫忘。、盛时常作衰时想,上场当念下场时。、凡是当留余地,得意不宜再往。、心常用则活,不用则窒常用则细,不用则粗。...对应英文:Refrain from, say, He that talks much errs much. Read, Shi Huiwu, by enmo forget. Sheng Shichang, time to play, when read off. Usually, when leave room, not to. Heart is living, commonly used do not obstruct, commonly used is fine, then do not have to rough. ...

分人一杯羹.荣辱与共,相得益彰第三篇 曾国藩中庸处世之道盛时常作衰时想,上场当念下场时.敬畏之心,惜福之道.常怀退让之意,便是载福之器.凡事留余地,家世不易衰....对应英文:People a cup of a thick soup. Sharing weal and woe, complement each other, third Zheng Guofan "savoir vivre Sheng Shichang decay time to play at the end, when read. Awe, Xifu way. Often with the concession of Italy, is the carrier of blessing. Everything leave room, family is not easy to fade...

)、用人三素养诚意、智慧、度量。、居家之道,不可多有余财。、盛时常作衰时想,上场当念下场时。、立身之道在于立心,欲为天下大事,须有容纳天下之心。对应英文:), employing three literacy sincerity, wisdom, metric. At home, the road, do not have spare money. Sheng Shichang, time to play, when read off. Conduct the road, lies in the heart, desire for world affairs, must have to accommodate the world's heart.

曾国藩常吟咏的格言是"盛时常作衰时想,上场当念下场时",追求的境界是"花未全开月未圆"。岁时,战乱已弥,曾国藩受到加官晋爵的嘉奖,一时权倾朝野,他却请求解除本兼各...对应英文:Zheng Guofan often chant motto is "Sheng Shichang as a failure to play, when read off", the pursuit of the realm is "flower is not fully open month unrealized". Years old, the war has MI, Zheng Guofan was promote to a higher office and rank awards, a right inone's hand, he requests to terminate this and the...

后办事 .合众人之私 以成一人之公 .扬善于公庭 规过于私室 .上场当念下场时 .刚的智慧 .内断于心 自为主持 .五到与五勤 .男儿要倔强 .困而知 勉而行 .有主...对应英文:After work. Together with the private into one public good in public court rules. In the sanctum at play when read off. Just wisdom. Broken in heart self hosted. Five to and five ground. Man to stubborn. Sleepy makrite way. The main...

.上场当念下场时   .刚的智慧   .内断于心 自为主持   .五到与五勤   .男儿要倔强   .困而知 勉而行   .有主义的团队   .流水高山心自知人人...对应英文:When read. Play off. Just wisdom. Broken in heart self hosted. Five to and five ground. Man to stubborn. Sleepy makrite way. Liberal team bosom friends heart knew everybody...

小锣长丝头可用于上场。 小锣住头多用作、歌唱或念诗的结束。、配合上场(重要角色第一次上场时不用)。、配合下场的动作。、配合台上的小动作 (仅供参考)对应英文:Small gongs filament head can be used to play. The end head, small gongs used songs or poems. With (without an important role to play, the first to play). With the end of the action. On the stage, with little action (for reference only)

讽刺的言语在耳边围绕围绕 紧握的双拳也恨不得快点上场 不爽的就快给我滚回家 如果你还是要在那 碎碎念 我警告你要想清楚下场 不然我包准你恨不得快死掉 有没有搞错 ...对应英文:The irony of the speech in the ear around around the clenched fist also hate not hurry to play bad will soon get out home if you still want to in that Twitter I warned you to think clearly. Otherwise I guarantee you hate to die quickly what's wrong with you...


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