

花好还须叶来衬对应英文:It must be Ye Laichen

石蒜类的特性是花开时看不到叶子,有叶子时看不到花,花叶两不相见,生生相错,因此才有"彼岸花,开彼岸,只见花,不见叶"的说法。相念相惜永相失,如此轮回而花叶永不相见,...对应英文:Characteristics of Lycoris radiata class is the flowers without the leaves, the leaves can not see the flowers, the flowers and leaves of two does not meet, Sang Sang is wrong, it is "Equinox flower, open on the other side, sees a flower, do not see leaves" argument. Read pities forever will lose, so the samsara and mosaic will never meet,...

但曾相念成相失,相见何如不见时。安得与君相决绝,免教生死作相思。对应英文:But once Xiangnian become lost, meet Ru is missing. Andhra Jun refuse, free to teach life and death for love.

马蹄莲叶片箭形翠绿,常作衬叶,花苞纯白如玉,宛如马蹄(也有黄、粉、淡紫红色的园艺变种)。被人们视为纯洁... 荷花花叶清秀,在百花之中是唯一能花、叶、果、种子并存的...对应英文:Calla arrow shaped green leaves, often lining leaf, bud white as jade, like a horseshoe (horticultural varieties have yellow, pink, purple). Be seen as pure lotus flowers and leaves... Handsome, in among the flowers is the only way to coexist, leaf, fruit, flower seeds...

缀满各种水果的冰沙对应英文:Decorated with all kinds of fruit Sorbet

英雄本就美人配嘛,当然,也有个别孤身英雄。这方面,您只是地下的知道一半,呵呵~对应英文:The hero the beauty with it, of course, there are also individual alone hero. In this regard, you just know half underground, ha ha ~

纯式花相有梅花,桃花樱花,海棠,紫荆,红叶李,玉兰花,腊梅, 衬式花相有杨树,女贞,合欢,紫薇,槐树,落新妇,石榴。红千层,羊蹄甲。夹竹桃,丁香。枫香。栾树。 呵呵。。。...对应英文:Pure floral phase are plum, peach blossoms, Begonia, Bauhinia, Prunus cerasifera, Magnolia, wintersweet, lining type flower phase poplar, Ligustrum lucidum, acacia, acacia, crape myrtle, Astilbe, pomegranate. Callistemon, bauhinia. Oleander, clove. Liquidambar formosana. Koelreuteria paniculata. Ha-ha. ...

稠密的树叶衬这各种颜色的花,远远看去好像(漂亮的小花布)红的透亮的苹果,像(小孩子清透的脸庞)一片片晚霞,倒映在清澈如镜的小河里,像(一幅美丽的山水画 )对应英文:The dense foliage lining the flowers of various colors, far from looking like a (small pretty cloth) red and bright apple, like (a fresh face) a piece of sunset, reflected in the clear as a mirror of the brook, (like a beautiful landscape painting)

衬花用于衬托主花的花。 制作花束,一般是挑选一种花枝比较硬实、不易弯曲散乱、花朵或花序较为显眼的切花,如玫瑰花、百合花、唐菖蒲、康乃馨、勿忘我作主花,再配以一...对应英文:Blooms for background flowers. Making bouquets, usually pick a flower is hard, not easy to bend the scattered, flowers or inflorescences more conspicuous flowers, such as roses, lilies, carnations, gladiolus, forget me not as flowers, with a...

一串串在阳光下闪烁的五彩的风铃,对应英文:A string in the sun flashing colorful campanula,

稠密的绿叶衬着各种颜色的花,远远看去像缀满各种水果的冰沙 。对应英文:Dense greenery line with flowers of all colours, far from looking like a decorated with all kinds of fruit Sorbet.


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