

不能已于言对应英文:Do not have to speak

已停止。 于在。 已于言在说话这件事上停止。对应英文:Has stopped. In the. Stop talking this thing in the word.

右键点那个人名 会有个禁止此人发言对应英文:Right click the name will be forbidden to speak

鹦鹉虽然能说话,也只不过是个飞鸟,猩猩虽然能说话,也只不过是只野兽 (人类的优越性啊··)对应英文:The parrot can talk, it is just a bird, orangutan although can speak, also just is the beast (human superiority ah)

原意应解释为"什么样的仇恨不能当面说清呢"是表现有矛盾的双方极为微妙的关系一句话,从字面上就可以了解到矛盾双方的一些情感或关系上的内容,对应英文:Originally should be interpreted as "what kind of hatred can not face to face to say it" is the performance of conflicting parties extremely delicate relationship in a word, literally can understand to the contradiction between the two sides of some emotional or relationship content,

假如你不让说话,那么鼠标右击,点屏蔽此人发言即可。对应英文:If you don't speak, then right click the mouse, the speech can be shielding at.

出自《礼记-曲礼上》,原句是"鹦鹉能言,不离飞鸟猩猩能言,不离禽兽"对应英文:From the "book of rites and music ceremony", the original sentence is "the parrot can speak, not from the bird ape can speak, not from the beast"

把鼠标放到头像上 点击右键选择屏蔽此人发言 就行了!! 把鼠标放在此人头象上(聊天时),点右键,有一个禁言的选项,点击,发现此人头象右下角有红色标记,禁言成功 用鼠标右...对应英文:Put the mouse on the picture on the right click Select shielding the speech on the line!! the mouse on the elephant on (ChAT), right click, a gag options, click on the lower right corner, found the man elephant with a red marker, gag success with the right mouse...

你好,管理员是可以禁言的,步骤是在群里找到那个人,然后指着那人点击右键,点击。就了,,,,希望你能采纳,谢谢!!!对应英文:Hello, the administrator can be banned, step is to find the man in the group, then pointed to the right click it, click. The,,,, I hope you can accept, thank you!!!

魔龙的小怪我不知道能不能圣言 但力士和巨蛾绝对是不可以进行圣言的,就连白野猪都是不能圣言的!对应英文:The small monster dragon I can not know the word but Hercules and giant moth is absolutely can not be used the word, even the white boar is not the word!

不躬不亲 庶民不信 《韩非子》里有一则"齐桓公好服紫"的故事桓公爱穿紫色衣服,臣民也学着穿紫色衣服。一时,这类衣料的价钱大涨。后来,齐桓公觉得此事不妥,要制止,便...对应英文:Do not bow not dear people don't believe in "Han Feizi" is a "Qi HuanGong good wear purple" story Huan love to wear purple clothes, people also learn to wear purple clothes. At that time, this kind of clothing prices rose. Later, Duke Huan felt that this was wrong, to stop, then...


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