

九牛拉不转对应英文:Nine the cow pull not turn

卖剑买牛 马牛襟裾 老牛舐犊 扛鼎抃牛 九牛一毛 老牛破车 九牛二虎之力 鲸吸牛饮 九牛拉不转 茧丝牛毛 鸡口牛后 鸡尸牛从 汗牛充栋 呼牛呼马 归马放牛 割鸡焉用牛刀 ...对应英文:Reformation of brigands a dressed up horse or ox parental love. carry tripods applaud cattle a drop in the bucket an old cow pulling a rickety cart tremendous effort Jingxiniuyin nine oxen not turn Jiansiniumao Jikouniuhou Jishiniucong an immense number of books let people call me what they will stop warfare why use an ox cleaver a chicken...

泥牛入海 瘠牛偾豚 风牛马不相及 初生牛犊不怕虎 割鸡焉用牛刀 九牛拉不转 茧丝牛毛 鸡尸牛从 汗牛充屋 牛鼎烹鸡 买牛息戈 马勃牛溲 马浡牛溲 马面牛头 蛇神牛鬼 司马...对应英文:Like a clay ox entering the sea just a barren cattle apple and orange fearless why use an ox cleaver a chicken nine oxen not turn Jiansiniumao Jishiniucong Hanniuchongwu break a butterfly on the wheel Mainiuxige Ma Bo New Maboniusou devils zombie Ushi oni Sima...

九牛拉不转 茧丝牛毛 鸡尸牛从 汗牛充屋 牛鼎烹鸡   买牛息戈 马勃牛溲 马浡牛溲 马面牛头 蛇神牛鬼   司马牛之叹 牛头不对马面 骑牛觅牛 蹊田夺牛   齐王舍牛...对应英文:Nine the cow pull not turn Jiansiniumao Jishiniucong Hanniuchongwu break a butterfly on the wheel Mainiuxige Ma Bo New Maboniusou devils zombie Ushi oni Sima Niu sigh pick the wrong horse Qiniuminiu Xitianduoniu Qiwangsheniu...

牛溲马渤 土牛木马 争猫丢牛 泥牛入海 瘠牛偾豚 风牛马不相及 初生牛犊不怕虎 割鸡焉用牛刀 九牛拉不转 茧丝牛毛 鸡尸牛从 汗牛充屋 牛鼎烹鸡 买牛息戈 马勃牛溲 马浡...对应英文:Niusoumabo clay oxen and wooden horses get the cat and lose the cow cow like a clay ox entering the sea and just one apple and orange fearless why use an ox cleaver a chicken nine oxen not turn Jiansiniumao Jishiniucong Hanniuchongwu break a butterfly on the wheel Mainiuxige Ma Bo New Ma gushing...

土牛木马 争猫丢牛 泥牛入海 瘠牛偾豚 风牛马不相及 初生牛犊不怕虎 割鸡焉用牛刀 九牛拉不转 茧丝牛毛 鸡尸牛从 汗牛充屋 牛鼎烹鸡 买牛息戈 马勃牛溲 马浡牛溲 马面...对应英文:Clay oxen and wooden horses get the cat and lose the cow cow like a clay ox entering the sea and just one apple and orange fearless why use an ox cleaver a chicken nine oxen not turn Jiansiniumao Jishiniucong Hanniuchongwu break a butterfly on the wheel Mainiuxige Ma Bo New Maboniusou filefish...

昨日成就只是牛刀小试,今后运势才是气冲斗牛,您的好运是九牛拉不转,背运跟您风牛马不相及。封个红包是九牛一毛,没吹牛吧这么牛,给个红包吧。 发短信,庆新年,送你一盘...对应英文:Yesterday achievement is a master hand's first small display, the future fortune is full of momentum, your luck is not luck nine oxen, with your apple and orange. Letter of a red envelope is a drop in the bucket, not bragging so cow, give a red envelope. Send text messages, the new year, send you a dish...

呼牛作马 鸡尸牛从 瘠牛羸豚 茧丝牛毛 茧丝牛毛 襟裾马牛 鲸吸牛饮 九牛二虎之力 九牛拉不转 九牛一毫 九牛一毛 裾马襟牛 扛鼎抃牛 老牛破车 老牛舐犊 犁牛髐角 犁牛...对应英文:Jishiniucong disregard hostile opinion Jiniuleitun Jiansiniumao Jiansiniumao Jinjumaniu Jingxiniuyin tremendous effort nine oxen not turn Jiuniuyihao a drop in the bucket Jumajinniu carry tripods applaud an old cow pulling a rickety cart parental love. yak yak bovine radial angle...

木偶流眼泪--虚情假意 九牛拉不转 -- 出工不出力 近视眼看告示--迫在眉睫 病重不吃药--等死 抱着琵琶进磨房--对牛弹琴琴对应英文:Puppet tears -- false display of affection nine oxen not turn -- contribute non labor myopia see signs of imminent ill do not take medicine -- wait for death embrace Pipa in the mill - cast pearls before swine organ

汗牛充屋 呼牛呼马 汗牛塞栋 呼牛作马 襟裾马牛 鸡口牛后 裾马襟牛 九牛二虎之力 瘠牛羸豚 九牛拉不转 九牛一毫 九牛一毛 鸡尸牛从 茧丝牛毛 鲸吸牛饮 扛鼎#牛 犁...对应英文:Hanniuchongwu let people call me what they will to disregard hostile opinion Jinjumaniu Jikouniuhou Jumajinniu tremendous effort Jiniuleitun nine oxen not turn Jiuniuyihao a drop in the bucket Jishiniucong Jiansiniumao Jingxiniuyin carry # plough...

紧行无好步 走得太急步子就迈不稳。比喻过于仓促,事情就做不好。 九牛拉不转 形容态度十分坚决。 久旱逢甘雨 干旱了很久,忽然遇到一场好雨。形容盼望已久终于如愿的...对应英文:Haste makes slow going. in such a hurry steps Wallace instability. Metaphor is too hasty, it is not good to do. Nine the cow pull not to describe the attitude is very firm. A welcome rain after a long drought drought for a long time, suddenly encountered a good rain. Describe the long-awaited finally wish...


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