

武人不惜死对应英文:He died at

含"不惜"的成语只有个 、武人不惜死ǔ é ù ī ǐ【解释】惜吝惜。指武官不怕死。 、不惜工本ù ī ō ě【解释】惜吝惜。指舍得出本钱。 、在所不惜...对应英文:With "at" idiom, he only at death ǔ é ù ī [explain] ì Ji Xi stint. The military is not afraid of death. Spare neither labor nor money, ù ī ō ě [explain] cherish stint. To make a capital. , not to hesitate to...

为了抗战,多少武人死于前方,我们文人也要不惜死于后方。"他还对挤进场子里的宪兵警察说,"站在后边的宪兵警察们,你们要逮捕我马寅初吧,那就请耐心一点,等我讲完再下手...对应英文:In order to Anti Japanese War, many military killed in front, we have to do in the rear of literati. "He has to squeeze into place in the gendarmes, police said," behind the military police officers, are you going to arrest me Ma Yinchu, please be patient, so that I can finish start again...

形容极其凶狠残暴。 【无人不晓】晓知晓。没有人不知道。形容很有名气。 【武人不惜死】指武将不怕死。 【无人不知】到尽人皆知的地步。 【学而不厌,诲人不倦】厌...对应英文:Describe the extremely cruel. [who] Xiao know. No one does not know. Describe very famous. He is dead] [at that generals are not afraid of death. [unknown] to be known to all. [] have an insatiable desire to learn, be tireless in teaching others...

但魏徵死后,杜正伦犯罪,侯君集谋反,太宗不惜天子名声悔去公主与魏徵长子叔玉婚约,并且推倒了亲手为魏徵死...因魏徵既非山东贵族,又非山东武人,其责任仅是接洽山东豪杰,...对应英文:But after the death of Du Zhenglun, Wei Zheng, crime, Chang Hou rebellion, Emperor Taizong to fame regrets to the princess and Wei Zheng eldest uncle Yu engagement, and knocked down by Wei Zhisi... By Wei Zheng is neither Shandong nor Shandong nobles, military, its responsibility is only to Shandong,...

南兰是官家小姐出身,十分娇惯。而苗人凤江湖豪杰,虽爱极妻女,不惜变卖家产满足妻子要求,但却丝毫不解风花雪月之情。自己全家死于江湖武人之刀下,丈夫偏偏将武扔欓升糽...对应英文:Southland is miss in origin, is very spoiled. The seedling Renfeng hero, although love his wife and daughter, not to sell to meet his wife, but did not romantic themes. His family died in the rivers and lakes of the sword he will throw flowers, her husband must rise Zheng wu...

南兰是官家小姐出身,十分娇惯。而苗人凤江湖豪杰,虽爱极妻女,不惜变卖家产满足妻子要求,但却丝毫不解风花雪月之情。自己全家死于江湖武人之刀下,丈夫偏偏将武功视为生...对应英文:Southland is miss in origin, is very spoiled. The seedling Renfeng hero, although love his wife and daughter, not to sell to meet his wife, but did not romantic themes. His family died in Jianghu military knife, husband just will fighting skill as students...

但实际上死于文人集团与武人集团的斗争。宋代文人集团的势力一直高于武人集团势力,这是基本的国策。但岳飞...文人集团势力受到威胁,就起而反抗,不惜牺牲国家民族利益,...对应英文:But actually die of literati group and the group of military struggle. The Song Dynasty scholar group of forces has been higher than the military faction, which is the basic national policy. But Yue Fei... The scholar group forces threatened, they revolted against, at the expense of national interests,...

把世间万物统统甩在身后的孤高,是唯有使钩武人才能体会的豪情。 兵器类别短兵器 兵器属性轻兵器 操控方...但为一诺故,不惜此雄躯。蹈死无二志,丈夫何壮哉!纵使有千军万...对应英文:The all things all behind aloof, he is only so that the hook can experience feelings. Weapon categories short weapon weapon attributes light weapons control... But for a reason, to the male. Dance no two records, where strong husband! Even if there are thousand million...

教垂万世,继尧舜禹汤文武人之师。 、孟子 尊王言必称尧舜忧世心同切孔颜。 、屈原 ()、哀怨托离骚,生...岳飞 ()、文官不爱钱,武官不惜死,果如公言,宋室可至南渡 罪...对应英文:Teach over will, after Yao Shun Yu Tang Wen Wu people. The king, Mencius say Yao and Shun worries to the heart with the cutting Kong Yan. Qu Yuan (), plaintive, supporting Li Sao,...), Yue Fei (Civil didn't love money, military attache at the dead, if the male speech, song to Du crime...

又兼具信守诺言,乐于助人,为理想和荣誉牺牲的豪爽武人品格.   永远的神话--不灭的骑士精神      是...甚至不惜牺牲一切!这是骑士恪守的信条。骑士团光亮耀眼的徽章...对应英文:Both the promise, is glad helps the human, sacrifice their ideals and honor the bold military character. The knight spirit forever myth -- immortal... Even at the expense of all! This is the knight abide by the creed. Knights of the bright shining badge...


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