

矮子里选将军对应英文:A general election

好比你有双袜子,都破了,但明天你要穿一双,只好从这双里调一双破的地方最少的将就一下啦。 在一堆条件都不太好的东西里面选出其中最好的来将就用一下。对应英文:Like a pair of socks you have, are broken, but tomorrow you have to wear a pair of, but from the transfer of a double break local minimum will look. Try to do in a pile of conditions are not too good things which to choose the best.

国内有哪只鸟是高手都是矮子里选将军,没事出来忽悠大家几句。建议你多看国外某些知名人士写的书,正因为他人成名知名,一定有期原因。百度搜索金融股票方面的书,很多反...对应英文:The bird is a master is selected in general, free cheat everyone a few words. Suggest that you look at some famous people to write the book, because of other famous well-known, there must be reasons. Baidu search financial stocks of the book, many of the anti...

【押韵词】低唱浅斟、事事躬亲、美言市尊、吊胆惊心、力敌势均、丹垩一新、匠石运斤、矮子队里选将军、涤秽布新、说古谈今成语典故原文 孟子谓宋勾践曰"子好游乎...对应英文:[] Dichangqianzhen rhyming words, everything himself, a statue, Diaodanjingxin, Lidishijun, Dan chalkiness, Jiang Shi Yun Jin a new team, a general, Dihuibuxin selection, Shuogutanjin idiom that original Mencius song Gou said "good swim peace...

阿武子 阿月浑子 阿子 哀子 挨板子 挨头子 矮矬子 矮个子 矮子 矮子队里选将军 矮子观场 矮子看戏 矮子里拔将军 艾子 爱面子 爱民如子 爱子 碍面子 安公子 安期子 安...对应英文:Ah Wu Zi Pistacia vera A Zi Aizi board to head elf shorty shorty shorty team selected the general Aiziguanchang Aizikanxi in the country of the blind Ai Zi face son because people love face Ann childe Ann stage...

比喻恩泽、恩情。【用法】作宾语用于比喻句【结构】偏正式【押韵词】矮子队里选将军、一寸丹心、人以群分、敝帚千金、容头过身、户曹参军、举目无亲、骇目惊心、...对应英文:Enze, metaphor. [usage] as the object for analogy [structure] [dwarf] formal rhyme team selected the general, a leaf of red heart, Birds of a feather flock together., Bizhouqianjin, muddle along, census officials, find no kin to turn to, Haimujingxin,...

我也试过一些软件。效果都不是很理想。 矮子里面选将军,相对而言, 还算不错。 你可以试试。对应英文:I also tried some software. The effect is not very ideal. The dwarf inside the election of general, relatively speaking, pretty good. You may have a try.

真的很难有一部我自认为好看的片子了,真要跳出一部好看的,那也只有矮子里选将军,勉强过的去吧,真得很难与、年代时武侠片最鼎盛时相比了,而且现在观众...对应英文:It is very difficult to have a I think good-looking film, really want to jump out of a good, that also only a selected in general, barely had to go, really very difficult compared with, in the martial arts films when the height, but now the audience...

淮安迎宾馆凑合,毕竟排场在那里!天和仁和还好,场面也有菜算是婚宴菜里做的不错的。宝悦四店不错的说~但是就我感觉,淮安的婚宴菜都比较菜,没好的!只能矮子里选将军!对应英文:Yingbin Hotel Huaian do, after all the pomp in there! And, fortunately, the scene is a dish is the wedding banquet dishes to do good. Baoyue four stores that good ~ but I feel, Huaian wedding banquet dishes are more food, not good! Can only choose the general!

不过国内高校都是矮子里面选将军。一个多世纪以来,培养中国科学院院士最多的高校依次为 ② 【南京大学(位,尚未与其他大学合并)】原国立南京大学,或国立中央大学,...对应英文:But the domestic colleges and universities are dwarf inside general election. For more than a century, academician of the Academy of culture China most colleges and universities are the Nanjing University ([, not with other university merger)] National Nanjing University, or Centre College,...

真正能够做到质量有保证的设备厂商现在还没有,只能说矮子里选将军,例如成都的威特南光,南光真空机械,广东倒是肇庆有镀膜机生产的,质量一般。蒸发镀膜你可以联络这几家...对应英文:Really can do to ensure the quality of equipment manufacturers is not, can only say that the dwarf in general, for example, Chengdu's Weite Nanguang, Nanguang vacuum machine, Guangdong's Zhaoqing coating machine production, quality. Evaporation you can contact this several...


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