

开口告人难对应英文:Open to people to

形容告状不是容易的事情,关系到互相的感情,不好意思撕开面皮对应英文:Describe complain not easy thing, in relation to each other's feelings, feel shy torn wrapper

这是描写弥勒佛的对联 大肚能容容天下难容之事,开颜一笑笑世上可笑之人弥勒佛的形象是大肚子,而且时常微笑着 是说他有海纳百川有容乃大的胸怀 天下没有什么事是他容不...对应英文:This is a poetic couplet pot bellied description of Maitreya Buddha can accommodate the world can hardly contain the matter, crack a smile the world ridiculous people Maitreya Buddha image is a big belly, and often smile said he has all rivers run into sea tolerant mind the world does not have what thing is he is not...

回 字对应英文:Back to the word

是个拆字谜 "语"的左边是"言"字旁 去掉"言"和"口" 谜底是"五"对应英文:Remove the puzzle is a "language" is left "the word" next to the word "language" and "get rid of" the answer is "five"

回对应英文:Back to the

这是楹联,没有横批的。对应英文:This is not the couplets, streamer.

爱变伤口天长地久 时间有尽头总能够再回首变温柔 千言万语难开口还压在眉头却要放开手 忘了多余的内疚别忘了爱过就已足够 没有不了的情缘总会有人要先走 忘了动摇的时...对应英文:Love enduring as the universe time end can be wound back gentle thousands and thousands of words difficult to open on the brow is to let hand forget unnecessary guilt don't forget love is enough there is no love there will always be people who will go first forgot to shake when...

这应该是弥勒佛祖身旁的对联吧。 说的都是宽容,一种海纳百川的气魄,一种舍我的坚决, "得失随缘,心无增减喜风不动,冥顺于道乃是正宗"的心态对应英文:This should be the next Maitreya Buddha poetic couplet. It is tolerant of all rivers run into sea, a spirit, a me firmly, "and revel, with no increase or decrease like wind does not move, Ming Shun Yu Dao is authentic" mentality

梦到红楼对应英文:Dream of Red Mansions

谜底是五(语-言-口)对应英文:The answer is five (language of mouth)


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