

老中青三结合对应英文:Three combined with the old

来源于年代,在干部任命上"老中青三结合"。泛指各个年龄阶段的人都有。对应英文:From the time, in the cadre appointment with "old three". Refers to people of all ages have.

由国家级专家领头的老中青相结合的中高级专业技术人员队伍" , ...对应英文:By the combination of national experts leading the all phase of the senior professional and technical personnel",...

试卷网上面有答案对应英文:Paper web answer

是指老中青干部的合理搭配。实现领导班子的年轻化,是我们优化年龄结构的实质内容。领导班子适度的平均年龄...有主张"二五三"的,还有主张"三三制"的。尽管组合的比例各不...对应英文:Refers to the reasonable collocation of old cadres. The leadership of the young, is the substance we optimized age structure. The average age of... Leadership moderate advocates "two five three", and that "three three system". Although the combination of different proportion...

老中青各占分之、分之、分之,各比例乘以总数,得数就是各年龄段的人数,分别为人、人、人。对应英文:All the points, points, points, the proportion of total number is multiplied by the number, of all ages, people, people, people respectively.

、错,应该是年轻化、对、洛克、父母自我型、冷淡型填空实属群体 社会促进多选提问与选项不符 指导支持成就参与都选,权威型不选。对应英文:, wrong, should be young, Rock, parents, self type, cold type. It is social groups promote more questions and options not guide support achievement participation are selected, authority is not selected.

假设老工人那么中年工人就有,年青工人就有-解得那么中年工人就是人!!对应英文:If older workers so middle-aged workers there, the young workers have - solution so middle-aged worker is a person!!

---软件管理--在卸载软件后能够针对残留文件和残留注册表进行有效清除。 ,我建议楼主不仅仅是在卸载软件时候使用腾讯电脑管家,平时多多体检,多多清除垃圾,能有效防止...对应英文:Software management -- to residual files and registry effectively removes residue in the uninstall software. , I suggest to the landlord is not only using Tencent computer housekeeper at uninstall time, usually a lot of physical examination, a lot of garbage, can effectively prevent the...

岁以前是少年 -是青年 -岁是中年 以后是老年对应英文:Before the age of youth - Youth - is middle age is old

为青年人 ~岁人群为中年人 ~岁人群为老年前期或准老年期 岁以上人群为老年人 岁以上人群为长寿老人对应英文:For young people aged middle-aged ~ ~ for people aged presenile or quasi people over the age of old age for persons over the age for the elderly longevity

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