

有田不耕仓廪虚对应英文:No tillage field: Virtual

出自《增广贤文》有田不耕仓廪虚,有书不读子孙愚。 有田不耕仓库就会空虚,有书不读子孙就会愚笨。 仓廪虚兮岁月乏,子孙愚兮礼义疏。 仓库里空虚了日子就会难,子孙愚笨...对应英文:From the "augmented" kind Tian don't plow granary is false, there do not read the book of Zi Sunyu. No tillage field warehouse will be empty, there do not read the book will be stupid children. The granary virtual Xi time spent, Yu Xi Li Yi Shu children. Warehouse empty days will not stupid, children...

全文是《增广贤文》昔时贤文,诲语谆谆。集韵增广,多见多闻。观今宜鉴古,无古不成今。知己知彼,将心比心。博学而笃志,切问而近思。人不通古今,牛马如襟裾。一年之计在...对应英文:The full text is "augmented" in kind kind, teaching language ". Jiyun augmented, well-informed. This is the ancient concept discrimination, does not exist without history. Know yourself as well as the enemy feel for others. Erudite and Atsushi, asked and thought. People understand the ancient and modern, oxen and horses as Lapel train. A year's plan in the...

有田不去耕种,仓库里无储备,当然空虚了。 有书不去读, 子孙当然愚昧了对应英文:Field not to farm, the warehouse without reserve, of course, empty. The book is not to read, children of course foolishness

养子不教如养驴,养女不教如养猪。  有田不耕仓廪虚,有书不读子孙愚,  仓廪虚兮岁月乏,子孙愚兮礼义疏。  同君一席话,胜读十年书。人不通今古,马牛如襟裾。...对应英文:Children don't teach such as a donkey, such as pig does not teach sons and daughters. No tillage field: a false, do not read the book children fool, granary virtual Xi years spent, Yu Xi Li Yi Shu children. And the king said, than from ten years of reading. People not heritage, horse and cattle as Lapel train. ...

养子不教如养驴,养女不教如养猪。 有田不耕仓廪虚,有书不读子孙愚。 仓廪虚兮岁月乏,子孙愚兮礼义疏。 同君一席话,胜读十年书。 人不通今古,马牛如襟裾。 茫茫四海人...对应英文:Children don't teach such as a donkey, such as pig does not teach sons and daughters. No tillage field: a false, do not read the book of Zi Sunyu. The granary virtual Xi time spent, Yu Xi Li Yi Shu children. And the king said, than from ten years of reading. People not heritage, horse and cattle as Lapel train. The vast seas of people...

就是储粮的地方 粮仓虚就是"空"的意思所以可以理解为(如果)有田不种(那么)粮仓就会空对应英文:Grain granary empty place is "empty" meaning it can be understood as (if) there is not a (then) Tian will empty barn

明代万历年间的戏曲《牡丹亭》,据此可推知此书最迟写成于万历年间。后来,经过明、清两代文人的不断增补,才改成现在这个模样,称《增广昔时贤文》,通称《增广贤文》。作...对应英文:The opera "the Peony Pavilion" Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, which shows the latest book written in wanli. Later, after the continuous addition of Ming, Qing two dynasties, later changed to the current pattern, called "augmented with Shi Xianwen", commonly known as "augmented" words of wisdom. As...

集,其中的内容大致能反映中国古代的百姓生活心理,像儒家学说、佛教思想、道教思想的内容在里边均有体现,如息事宁人,多一事不如少一事,还有人的命天注定之类的消极迷信...对应英文:Set, which mainly reflects the Chinese ancient people of mental life, like Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism has embodied the contents inside, such as silence, It's better to save trouble., who still lives in heaven or negative superstition...

就是古代的粮仓虚,就是空虚。 这句话的意思就是,有田不耕,就没有粮食,粮仓就会空虚,没有粮食吃,日子就过不下去了。对应英文:Is the granary of virtual ancient, is empty. The meaning of this sentence is no tillage, field, there is no food, the barn will be empty, no food to eat, the day did not go.

有田不耕仓禀虚 有书不读子孙愚   宝剑锋从磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来   少壮不经勤学苦 老来方悔读书迟   书到用时方恨少 事到经过才知难   板橙要坐十年冷 文章...对应英文:No tillage field warehouse virtual books have not read Zi Sunyu Bao Jianfeng plum flower young without hard bitter old square regret later reading the book to use square hate less thing to after just know hard board orange to sit ten years cold articles from tempered...


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