

破题儿第一遭对应英文:The first time one ever does sth.
破题儿第一遭pòtír dì-yī zāo

登台演戏我还是破题儿第一遭。对应英文:The first time I've acted on the stage.

我干这样的差使确实也是破题儿第一遭。对应英文:I do this job is also the first time one ever does sth..

然而破题儿第一遭,她变得十分关注自己的症状,并且对她迄今一直冷漠轻慢的某些家庭成员开始有了感情。对应英文:However, the first time one ever does sth., she became very concerned about their symptoms, and she has so far been indifferent against members of certain families began to have feelings.

既然是破题儿第一遭,人们自然期望主办国能够树立好榜样,确立高标准。对应英文:Since it is the first time, it is natural to expect the host to set a good example, establish high standards.

然而破题儿第一遭,她变得十分关注自己的症状,并且对她迄今一直冷漠轻慢的某些家庭成员开始有了感情。对应英文:However, the first time one ever does sth., she became very concerned about their symptoms, and she has so far been indifferent against members of certain families began to have feelings.

俗语破题儿第一遭pò tír dì yī zāo是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/919.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

【the first time one ever does sth.】 比喻第一次做某事.例:登台表演我还是破题儿第一遭 更多相关词条>>

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