

旧瓶装新酒对应英文:New wine in old bottles

旧瓶装新酒。对应英文:New wine in old bottles.

但是,遗留系统中文档常常在奇怪的地方结束,没有人真正认识到或者理解那些字符序列仅仅是旧瓶装新酒。对应英文:But, legacy systems often document at the end of the strange place, no one really realize or to understand the character sequence is just a new wine in old bottles.

现有的IT公司也在旧瓶装新酒使用这个概念。对应英文:The existing IT companies also use this concept in new wine in old bottles.

但是,遗留系统中文档常常在奇怪的地方结束,没有人真正认识到或者理解那些字符序列仅仅是旧瓶装新酒。对应英文:But, legacy systems often document at the end of the strange place, no one really realize or to understand the character sequence is just a new wine in old bottles.

这种旧瓶装新酒的做法必然意味着在某些方面要做出一些妥协,比如驾驶位置与众不同,以及保养零件稀少等。对应英文:The new wine in old bottles is necessarily mean to make some compromise in certain aspects, such as driving position is different, and few maintenance spare parts, etc.

或许可以说,这也是旧瓶装新酒,传统工艺承载了当代的雕塑观念和主题。对应英文:Perhaps, this is also a new wine in old bottles, the traditional process of contemporary sculpture concept and theme.

用旧瓶装进新酒,常常有害于文学创作。对应英文:Put new wine into old bottles into and often harmful to the literary creation.

“这不过是新瓶装旧酒,”来自某发展中国家的一位资深外交官说道。对应英文:"This is just old wine in new bottles," a senior diplomat from some developing countries said.

我猜CNN没有得到更多关于中国的负面报道,所以他们新瓶装旧酒。对应英文:I guess CNN did not get more negative reports about China, so they are old wine in new bottles.

我们完全可以说,‘国际危机组织’对于缅甸现状的判断完全错误,在缅甸并没有出现新一代接管权力,这仅仅是在一个‘新瓶装旧酒’。对应英文:It is fair to say, 'international crisis group for Burma judgment completely wrong, the status quo of the new generation does not appear to take over the power in Burma, this is just a "old wine in new bottles".

纵观今年全球各大时装周,无论你是穿着正熟练,会发现在时尚“新瓶装旧酒”的模式转变。对应英文:Throughout the year the world's biggest fashion week, whether you are wearing is skilled, will find in the fashion of "old wine in new bottles" paradigm shift.

对经济地理学的这一新动向的评价却少有学者进行过讨论,它究竟是新的理论范式,还是“新瓶装旧酒”?对应英文:To the evaluation of the new tendency of the economic geography, few scholars have discussed, whether it is a new theoretical paradigm, or "old wine in new bottles"?

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