

偷鸡不着蚀把米对应英文:Stealing chickens not eclipse the rice
偷鸡不着蚀把米                 tōu  jī  bù  zhe  shí  bǎ  mǐ

偷鸡不着蚀把米 老鼠老鼠靠偷为生呀~~~对应英文:Go for wool and come home shorn mouse mouse steal for you ~ ~ ~

这是百度百科里的成语解释 词 目 偷鸡不着蚀把米 发 音 ō ī ù í ǎ ǐ 释 义 俗语。鸡没有偷到,反而损失了一把米。比喻本想占便宜反而吃了亏。 其中蚀...对应英文:This is Baidu Encyclopedia of the idiom interpretation of words. Go for wool and come home shorn hair tone ō h ǎ ì Ji ù í explanation. The chicken did not steal, but lost a handful of rice. Analogy for the cheap but eating deficit. The corrosion...

偷鸡不着蚀把米 发 音 ō ī ù í ǎ ǐ 释 义 俗语。鸡没有偷到,反而损失了一把米。比喻本想占便宜反而吃了亏。对应英文:Go for wool and come home shorn hair tone ō h ǎ ì Ji ù í explanation. The chicken did not steal, but lost a handful of rice. Analogy for the cheap but eating deficit.

老鼠对应英文:The mouse

"偷鸡不着蚀把米 赔了夫人又折兵 " 如果一定要四字的成语倒是有意思接近的,但不专指。 得不偿失 因小失大 贪小失大对应英文:"Go for wool and come home shorn throw the helve after the hatchet" if there must be four word idioms have similar meanings, but not specifically. The loss outweighs the gain. penny wise and pound foolish penny wise and pound foolish

七字成语大全对应英文:Seven character idioms

偷鸡不成蚀把米 【释 义】俗语。鸡没有偷到,反而损失了一把米。比喻本想占便宜反而吃了亏。 可见重点不是什么米,而是一个概念。对应英文:Go for wool and come home shorn [release] saying meaning. The chicken did not steal, but lost a handful of rice. Analogy for the cheap but eating deficit. The key is not what meters, but a concept.

从此,民间也多了一个'偷鸡不成反蚀把米'的欲语。就是想赚的便宜没赚到,还把前期用来做诱饵的投资给赔了。对应英文:From then on, people can have a 'not stealing chickens against corrosion meters' desire language. Just want to make cheap did not earn, also early to do bait investment to compensate.

生肖老鼠 【释 义】俗语。鸡没有偷到,反而损失了一把米。比喻本想占便宜反而吃了亏。对应英文:Zodiac rat [release] saying meaning. The chicken did not steal, but lost a handful of rice. Analogy for the cheap but eating deficit.

偷鸡不成反蚀把米用米做诱饵去逮鸡,鸡没有偷到,反而损失了一把米,比喻本想占便宜反而吃了亏。蚀损失亏耗。如蚀本蚀耗蚀昴(后因以指精诚感天而出现的天象)对应英文:Not stealing chickens against corrosion meters rice bait to catch the chicken, the chicken did not get, but lost a handful of rice, analogy for the cheap but eating deficit. Erosion loss loss. As a corrosion wastage (due to the sincere feeling day and refers to the sky)

俗语偷鸡不着蚀把米tōu jī bù zháo shí bǎ mǐ是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/701.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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