

民富国自强对应英文:The people rich and

中国国民党、中国国民党革命委员会、中国致公党、中国民主促进会、中国民主建国会、中国民主同盟、台湾民...中国洪英爱国党、大公党、中国自强党、中国中青党、中华正统...对应英文:China Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang, Chinese, Chinese Zhigong party, China Association for promoting democracy, Chinese Democratic National Construction Association, China Democratic Alliance, the people of Taiwan... Chinese Hong Ying Patriotic Party, party, party, Chinese self-improvement, China Youth Party, the orthodox...

这都是什么玩意儿对应英文:What is all this stuff

若欲救民治国,虽百废待兴,惟有自强国民心力之道乃首要谋划,然民众思维心力变新、强健者是为首要之捷...弘扬神州民众自强富国雄军壮志,恤农商并滋养工业。为抗击西方...对应英文:If the people by law, although a thousand things wait to be done, but the strong national heart road is main business, however, people thought the mind becomes a new, robust is primary Czech... Promote China people and rich male military ambitions, and nourish the agribusiness industry. For the fight against the west...

中国所以战败受辱任日本国宰割,根本原因在于国力弱。要立国自强,就必须"富国"、"养民"、"教民"。"富国"就是以西方强国为样板,效法维新致强的日本等国,大力发展近代工...对应英文:China so humiliated as defeat Japan invaded, the fundamental reason lies in the strength of the weak. To make country self-improvement, must be "rich", "to support the people", "teaching people". "Rich" is to the West as a model, as the reform induced strong Japan and other countries, vigorously develop modern industry...

为了解困富国自救封建王朝年那自强求富有了洋务运动结果甲午战争后破产了,年啊,康梁公车上书年光绪帝戊戌变法了,改了机构鼓励私人企业,开学汤传思想创报刊...对应英文:In order to overcome the rich feudal king Zhaonian the self-improvement and self rich results Jia Wu Westernization Movement after the war broke, years, Kang and Liang bus years Guangxu emperor Wu Xu reform, change the mechanism to encourage private enterprise, the soup was thought a newspaper...

云开日出 → 出位僭言 → 言归于好 → 好事多磨 → 磨砺自强 → 强兵富国 → 国无宁日 → 日月交食 → 食不求甘 → 甘拜下风 → 风清月白 → 白首无成 → 成家立计 →...对应英文:Sunrise Yunkai, out beyond the words to make it up with sb. → → → → easy self sharpening strong soldiers there is no peace in the country, Riyuejiaoshi to live a simple life, show the white feather, bright moon and cool breeze, no - to - white...

(任写两位,符合题意即可) ()强兵富国(自强)(求富)主张学习西方先进生产技术转变为主张维新变法(兴民权、实行君主立宪)或转变为民主革命思想。 ()三权分立互相独立...对应英文:(he wrote two, with can) () Qiang Bingfuguo (self-reliance) (for) advocated learning the advanced production technology and Western to advocate reform (civil rights, constitutional monarchy) or into the democratic revolutionary thought. Separation of the three powers (independent)...

若欲救民治国,虽百废待兴,惟有自强国民心力之道乃首要谋划,然民众思维心力变新、强健者是为首要之捷径!心...弘扬神州民众自强富国雄军壮志,恤农商并滋养工业。为抗击西方...对应英文:If the people by law, although a thousand things wait to be done, but the strong national heart road is main business, however, people thought the mind becomes a new, robust is primary shortcut!... promote China people and rich male military ambitions, and nourish the agribusiness industry. For the fight against the west...

、目的强兵富国,摆脱困境,维护清朝统治。 中央恭亲王弈忻、代表 地方曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠、张之洞...培养了技术力量,在客观上为中国民族资本主义的产生和发展起...对应英文:The purpose, strong soldiers, shake off the dilemma, to maintain the rule of the Qing dynasty. The Prince Gong Yi Xin, Zheng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang representatives, Zhang Zhidong... Trained technical force, in the objective for the emergence and development of national capitalism has Chinese...

洋务派主张利用西方先进生产技术,强兵富国,摆脱困境,利用资本主义发展的工商业的手段来维护清朝的封建统治...洋务派在全国各地掀起了「师夷长技以自强」的改良运动「洋务...对应英文:The Westernization Group advocated the use of advanced production technology, the western strong soldiers, get rid of the dilemma, the development of capitalism industry and Commerce means to safeguard the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty... The Westernization Group set off throughout the country the "barbarians technology to improve the" self-improvement "Westernization movement...


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