

不入佛门不受戒对应英文:Don't become Buddhists not receiving precepts

二不偷盗,三不邪淫,四不妄语,五不饮酒,随自己的方便,能持几戒就随缘持几戒,虽然,没有误解的功德,总比不受强吧!这个事方便开许的!个人意见仅供参考!对应英文:Two not to steal, three not evil, four do not lie, five do not drink, with their own convenience, can hold a few quit going a few ring, though, don't misunderstand merit, is better than not subject to strong! This allowed the personal views for reference only!

受戒前的三皈和刚入佛门求受的皈依一样的。受戒可得皈依戒体对应英文:The Three Refuges before ordination and converted to just Buddhism for the same. Can be converted to the ring body ordained

不但供养自己的师父,一切清静出家众都可以供养。受戒一般在家有五戒、菩萨戒,根据自己的情况选择受戒与否。受戒容易守戒难。加油。推荐 净空法师 认识佛教圣严法师 学...对应英文:Not only for his master, all quiet monks can support. In general, the Bodhisattva Precepts are the five precepts ordained at home, choose according to their own circumstances ordained or not. Ordained to abstinence hard. Come on. Recommended a Buddhist Master Sheng Yen science knowledge...

不但供养自己的师父,一切清静出家众都可以供养。受戒一般在家有五戒、菩萨戒,根据自己的情况选择受戒与否。受戒容易守戒难。加油。 推荐 净空法师 认识佛教 圣严法师...对应英文:Not only for his master, all quiet monks can support. In general, the Bodhisattva Precepts are the five precepts ordained at home, choose according to their own circumstances ordained or not. Ordained to abstinence hard. Come on. Recommended Jingkong master know Buddhist Master Sheng yen...

全国每年传授三坛大戒的寺院掌握在五处左右 每处每次受戒人数一般掌握在二百人左右戒期 不少于四周,以利组织新戒学习戒相律仪。 第十二条 受戒者必须年满二十岁,...对应英文:Every year, teach three tan commandment temple in the hands of around five each time the number of ordained general control in about two hundred people from a period of not less than around, to facilitate the organization learning new ring ring phase meter. The twelfth commandment must have reached the age of twenty,...

不知道受戒的仪式上都讲了些什么是吗网上可以搜视频,可以查找授五戒十善的誓词。也可以去寺院里去求一本。回家好好看。也许人多和受戒法师有口音什么的,当场的人也...对应英文:Do not know the ordination ceremony are what are you can search online video, you can find "precepts ten good deeds. Can also go to the temple to ask a. Go home and have a good look at. Maybe many people and ordained priests have accent what, man on the spot also...

依据如来的正法规()与律()欲受戒出家的人,除了要拥有虔诚恭敬且正确的信念之外,尚须具备 以下的条件 .父母亲或监护人的同意许可,持父母同意的书面材料,...对应英文:According to the regulations of the positive Buddha () and Law () to ordained monks, in addition to have piety and correct faith, still must have the following conditions agreed to license the parents or guardians, written materials to parental consent,...

现在皈依佛门要大学本科以上学历哟对应英文:Now converted to Buddhism to bachelor's degree or above

.简析《受戒》的主题意蕴《受戒》通过一个世俗化的佛门故事,描写了普通人的人生欢乐,表达了对纯朴的民间日常生活的肯定与赞美,同时也含蓄的表现出对清规戒律的否定和...对应英文:"Ordained". The theme of "" ordained by a secular Buddhist stories, portrays the life of ordinary people joy, expressed with praise for the simple folk daily life affirmation, but also implicitly displayed on the sacred rules of the religious order of negation and...

没受戒的都算不上佛门弟子。不管什么情况,因果律是逃不掉的,只是程度有区别而已。对应英文:No ordained are not buddhists. No matter what the situation, the law of causality is inescapable, just degree difference.


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